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You are currently viewing Explain paste0() Function in R with Examples

The paste0() function in R is used to concatenate (combine) strings. It is a simplified version of the paste() function, mainly used when no separator between the strings is needed. By default, paste0() does not include a separator, whereas paste() uses a space. In this article, I will explain the paste0() function, detailing its syntax, parameters, and practical examples, including the use of the collapse parameter to merge character vectors into single strings with specified separators.


Key points-

  • paste0() concatenates (combines) strings without any separator.
  • It is a more efficient version of the paste() function when no separator is needed.
  • By default, paste0() does not include any separator between the strings.
  • The collapse parameter is an optional string used to separate the elements when concatenating vectors.
  • Returns a character vector. If collapse is specified, it returns a single character string with elements separated by the collapse string.
  • Useful for data processing, text formatting, and creating dynamic strings in R.
  • It can concatenate two vectors element-wise, combining corresponding elements from each vector.
  • Used to concatenate two or more strings into a single string.

R paste0() Function

The paste0() function in R is used to combine strings without any separator. It is a more efficient version of the paste() function for situations where spaces or characters between the strings are not needed. It allows the concatenation of R objects, such as strings and vectors, by taking individual strings as arguments and returning a single string.


Following is the syntax of the paste0() function.

# Syntax of paste0()
paste0(..., collapse = NULL)


  • ... : one or more R objects to be concatenated.
  • collapse : an optional string to separate the results when concatenating vectors.

Return Value

It returns a character vector. If collapse is set to a specified string, it returns a single character string with elements separated by the collapse string.

Usage of R paste0() Function

You can use the paste0() function to concatenate two or more strings into a single string. When you pass two separate strings into the paste0() function, it combines them without any separator and returns a single string.

# Concatenate two strings using paste0()
str1 <- "Spark"
str2 <- "ByExamples"
print("Given strings:")
con_str <- paste0(str1, str2)
print("After concatenating two strings:")

Yields below output.

paste0() in r

Concatenate Multiple Strings using paste0() in R

To concatenate multiple strings, you can use the paste0() function by passing all the individual strings. It will combine them into a single string without any separator.

# Concatenate multiple strings using paste0()
con_str <- paste0("Spark", "By", "Examples")
print("After concatenating multiple strings:")

Yields the same output as above.

Concatenate Two Vectors using R paste0() Function

Similarly, you can use the paste0() function to concatenate two vectors element-wise. The first elements of each vector are combined, the second elements are combined, and so on. Let’s create two character vectors and pass them into this function it will combine them element-wise and return the character vector where each string contains elements from both vectors.

# Concatenate two vectors using paste0()
# Create vectors
vec1 <- c("Spark", "Examples", "good")
vec2 <- c("By", "is", "website")
print("Given vectors:")
con_cat <- paste0(vec1, vec2)
print("After concatenating two vectors:")

Yields below output.

paste0() in r

Concatenate Vector of Strings using collapse param

You can collapse a vector of strings into a single string using the collapse parameter of the R paste0() function. Specifying the collapse parameter with a certain separator will merge the vector of strings into a single string with the specified separator.

# Collapse a vector of strings into a single string
con_cat <- paste0(c("Spark", "By", "Examples"), collapse = ",")
print("After concatenating vector of strings into strings:")

# Output:
# [1] "After concatenating vector of strings into strings:"
# [1] "Spark,By,Examples"


In this article, I have explained the R paste0() function, including its syntax, parameters, and usage for concatenating strings and vectors without a separator. Additionally, I discussed how to use the optional collapse parameter to merge a character vector into a single string with a specified separator.

Happy Learning!!