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You are currently viewing Explain paste() Function in R

The paste() function in R is used to concatenate strings. It combines multiple character vectors or elements within character vectors into a single character string. In this article, I will explain the paste() function and using its syntax and parameters for customizing the separation and collapsing of strings.


Key points-

  • The primary purpose of the paste() function is to concatenate strings, making it a crucial function for string manipulation in R.
  • By default, the sep parameter is set to a space " ", which separates the concatenated terms.
  • The sep parameter can be customized to use any character string as a separator, allowing for flexible string formatting.
  • The collapse parameter is optional and is used to collapse the output into a single character string with a specified separator. If not specified, the output is a vector.
  • The function returns a character vector. If the collapse parameter is specified, it returns a single concatenated string.
  • The paste() function can concatenate multiple strings simultaneously, providing a powerful tool for efficiently combining numerous elements.
  • The function can concatenate vectors element-wise, which is useful for combining corresponding elements of multiple vectors.
  • Using the collapse parameter, entire vectors can be collapsed into a single string with a specified separator.

Paste() Function

The paste() function in R is used to combine the strings. It combines multiple character vectors, or elements within character vectors, into a single character string. This function is crucial for creating labels, forming sentences, or merging variables for output, providing flexibility through its customizable parameters.

Syntax of paste()

Following is the syntax of the paste() function.

# Syntax of paste() function
paste(..., sep = " ", collapse = NULL)


  • ...: Two or more R objects to be concatenated.
  • sep: A character string to separate the terms. Default is a space " ".
  • collapse: An optional character string to separate the results. If NULL (default), the output is a vector. If a string, the output is a single concatenated string with each element separated by collapse.

Return Value

It returns a character vector. If collapse is set to a specified string, it returns a single character string with elements separated by the collapse string.

Usage of paste() Function in R

You can use the paste() function to concatenate two or more strings into a single string. By default, it inserts a space between each string in the resulting character vector. Let’s pass two separate strings into the paste() function; it combines them and returns a single string with the default separator.

# Concatenate two strings using paste() function
con_cat <- paste("SparkBy", "Examples")
print("After concatenating two strings")

Yields below output.

paste in r

Concatenate Two Strings with a Custom Separator

Alternatively, you can use the paste() function to combine strings with a customized separator. In this example, I will provide an empty string ("") to the sep parameter. Let’s see how it concatenates the strings with the specified separator or delimiter.

# Concatenating two strings with a custom separator "-"
con_cat <- paste("SparkBy", "Examples", sep = "")
print("After concatenating two strings")

paste("SparkBy", "Examples", sep = ""): Concatenates "SparkBy" and "Examples" without any separator.

Yields below output.

paste in r

Concatenate Multiple Strings using paste() in R

To concatenate multiple strings, you can use the paste() function by passing all the individual strings along with a specified delimiter. It will combine them into a single string with the specified separator.

# Concatenate multiple elements with a custom separator
# Concatenate two strings using paste() function
con_cat <- paste("Spark","By", "Examples", sep = ",")
print("After concatenating multiple strings")

# Output:
# [1] "After concatenating multiple strings"
# [1] "Spark,By,Examples"

paste("Spark", "By", "Examples", sep = ","): Concatenates the strings “Spark”, “By”, and “Examples” with a comma as the separator.

Concatenate Two Vectors using R paste() Function

Similarly, you can use this function to concatenate two vectors element-wise. The first elements of each vector are combined, the second elements are combined, and so on. If you do not provide a specified separator, it will combine them using the default space (” “).

# Concatenate two vectors using paste() function
con_cat <- paste(c("Spark", "Examples", "good"), c("By", "is", "website"))
print("After concatenating two vectors:")

# Output:
# [1] "After concatenating two vectors:"
# [1] "Spark By"     "Examples is"  "good website"

Concatenate Vector of Strings using collapse param

You can collapse a vector of strings into a single string using the collapse parameter of the paste() function. By specifying the collapse parameter with a certain separator will merge the vector of strings into a single string with the specified separator.

# Collapse a vector of strings into a single string
con_cat <- paste(c("Spark", "By", "Examples"), collapse = ",")
print("After concatenating vector of strings into strings:")

# Output:
# [1] "After concatenating vector of strings into strings:"
# [1] "Spark,By,Examples"

Use R paste() along with sep and collapse

Finally, you can use both the sep and collapse parameters to concatenate two vectors element-wise with a specified separator and then collapse the result into a single string with a specified separator between the elements.

# Concatenate vectors with custom separator and collaps param into a single string
# Concatenate two strings using paste() function
con_cat <- paste(c("Spark", "Examples", "good"), c("By", "is", "website"), collapse = "-", sep = ",")
print("After concatenating two vectors:")

# Output:
# [1] "After concatenating two vectors:"
# [1] "Spark,By-Examples,is-good,website"


In this article, I have explained that the paste() function is an essential tool in R for string concatenation. I also demonstrated how to use its syntax and parameters to customize separators and collapse vectors into single strings, addressing various string manipulation needs. This makes the function essential for data processing and text formatting tasks.

Happy learning!!