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Spark SQL select() and selectExpr() are used to select the columns from DataFrame and Dataset, In this article, I will explain select() vs selectExpr() differences with examples.


Both these are transformation operations and return a new DataFrame or Dataset based on the usage of UnTyped and Type columns.

  • Spark select() Syntax & Usage
  • Spark selectExpr() Syntax & Usage

Key points:

1. Spark select() Syntax & Usage

Spark select() is a transformation function that is used to select the columns from DataFrame and Dataset, It has two different types of syntaxes.

select() that returns DataFrame takes Column or String as arguments and used to perform UnTyped transformations.

select(cols : org.apache.spark.sql.Column*) :DataFrame
select(col : scala.Predef.String, cols : scala.Predef.String*) : DataFrame

select() that returns Dataset takes TypedColumn as arguments and used for Typed transformations.

select[U1](c1 : TypedColumn[T, U1])
select[U1, U2](c1 : TypedColumn[T, U1], c2 : TypedColumn[T, U2])


Below are different ways to select the columns from DataFrame.

val data = Seq(("Java", "20000"), ("Python", "100000"), ("Scala", "3000"))
val df = spark.createDataFrame(data).toDF("language","users_count")

//Example 1"language","users_count as count") 
//Example 2"language"),df("users_count").as("count")) 
//Example 3"language"),col("users_count")) 
//Example 4,df.users_count) //PySpark

It takes either all column names in a String or in a Column type, but you cannot do mix and max. Below returns a compile-time error."language",col("users_count"))

2. Spark selectExpr() Syntax & Usage

Spark SQL function selectExpr() is similar to select(), the difference being it takes a set of SQL expressions in a string to execute. This gives an ability to run SQL like expressions without creating a temporary table and views.

selectExpr() just has one signature that takes SQL expression in a String and returns a new DataFrame. Note like select() it doesn’t have a signature to take Column type and Dataset return type.

selectExpr(exprs : scala.Predef.String*) : org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame


df.selectExpr("language","users_count as count")

Below is an interesting difference between select() vs selectExpr().

    .selectExpr("date","increment","add_months(to_date(date,'yyyy-MM-dd'),cast(increment as int)) as inc_date")

Alternatively, you can also write the same statement using expr() SQL function on select. But the same cannot achieve without expr() function.

      expr("add_months(to_date(date,'yyyy-MM-dd'),cast(increment as int))").as("inc_date"))

3. Conclusion

In a summary of select() vs selectExpr(), former has signatures that can return either Spark DataFrame and Dataset based on how we are using and selectExpr() returns only Dataset and used to write SQL expressions.

Happy Learning !!