In Spark/PySpark you can get the current active SparkContext and its configuration settings by accessing spark.sparkContext.getConf.getAll()
, here spark is an object of SparkSession
and getAll()
returns Array[(String, String)]
, let’s see with examples using Spark with Scala & PySpark (Spark with Python).
Spark Get SparkContext Configurations
In the below Spark example, I have added additional configuration to Spark using SparkConf
and retrieve all default config values from SparkContext along with the one I added.
val config = new SparkConf()
val spark=SparkSession.builder().config(config).master("local[3]")
val arrayConfig=spark.sparkContext.getConf.getAll
for (conf <- arrayConfig)
println(conf._1 +", "+ conf._2)
Yields below output.,, local-1618196887324, DELL-ESUHAO2KAJ
spark.master, local[3], driver
spark.driver.port, 52984
Use get()
method of SparkConf
to get the value for a specific configuration.
print("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions ==> "+spark.sparkContext.getConf.get("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions"))
// Display below value
// spark.sql.shuffle.partitions ==> 300
PySpark Get SparkContext Configurations
similarly let’s see how to get the current PySpark SparkContext setting configurations.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('').getOrCreate()
configurations = spark.sparkContext.getConf().getAll()
for item in configurations: print(item)
This prints the below configuration. Alternatively, you can also get the PySpark configurations using spark.sparkContext._conf.getAll()
('', '')
('spark.rdd.compress', 'True')
('spark.serializer.objectStreamReset', '100')
('spark.submit.pyFiles', '')
('', 'driver')
('spark.submit.deployMode', 'client')
('', 'local-1617974806929')
('spark.ui.showConsoleProgress', 'true')
('spark.master', 'local[1]')
('spark.driver.port', '65211')
If you wanted to get a specific configuration.
By using getAll()
method of SparkConf
you can get all current active Spark/PySpark SparkContext
settings, you can also use get()
method to get value for specific settings.
Happy Learning !!
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