Question: In Spark & PySpark, how to get the size/length of ArrayType (array) column and also how to find the size of MapType (map/Dic) type in DataFrame, could you also please explain with an example how to filter by array/map size?
PySpark Example: How to Get Size of ArrayType, MapType Columns in PySpark
1. Solution: Get Size/Length of Array & Map DataFrame Column
Spark/PySpark provides size()
SQL function to get the size of the array & map type columns in DataFrame (number of elements in ArrayType or MapType columns). In order to use Spark with Scala, you need to import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.size
and for PySpark from pyspark.sql.functions import size
, Below are quick snippet’s how to use the size() function.
Related: How to get the length of string column in Spark, PySpark
Note: By default this function return -1 for null array/map columns. To change this behavior and if you want to get null for null input set false to spark.sql.legacy.sizeOfNull
or true to spark.sql.ansi.enabled
// Filter based on array size of a column
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{size,col}
df.filter(size(col("languages")) > 1).show()
// Size of ArrayType & MapType columns
// Using size() on Spark SQL.
spark.sql("select name,size(languages) as lang_len from TAB" +
" where size(languages) > 1").show()
Let’s see with a detailed example
val arrayData = Seq(
val arraySchema = new StructType()
.add("languages", ArrayType(StringType))
.add("properties", MapType(StringType,StringType))
val df = spark.createDataFrame(
2. Filter Based On The size of Array Type Column
On the above Spark DataFrame, we have a column languages
of type Array & properties
of type Map, below example shows how to filter DataFrame that has a number of elements in languages
column > 1.
// Filter Dataframe using size() of a column
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{size,col}
df.filter(size(col("languages")) > 1).show(false)
// +-------+--------------+-----------------------------+
// |name |languages |properties |
// +-------+--------------+-----------------------------+
// |James |[Java, Scala] |[hair -> black, eye -> brown]|
// |Michael|[Spark, Java,]|[hair -> brown, eye ->] |
// +-------+--------------+-----------------------------+
Another example that creates a new column with the size of array and map columns. note that when the column values are null it returns size as -1.
// Get the size of a column to create anotehr column
// +----------+--------------+-----------------------------+--------+--------+
// |name |languages |properties |lang_len|prop_len|
// +----------+--------------+-----------------------------+--------+--------+
// |James |[Java, Scala] |[hair -> black, eye -> brown]|2 |2 |
// |Michael |[Spark, Java,]|[hair -> brown, eye ->] |3 |2 |
// |Robert |[CSharp] |[hair -> red] |1 |1 |
// |Washington|null |null |-1 |-1 |
// |Jeferson |[] |[] |0 |0 |
// +----------+--------------+-----------------------------+--------+--------+
3. PySpark Get Size/Length of Array & Map type Columns
In PySpark size() function is available by importing from pyspark.sql.functions import size
get the number of elements in a Array or Map type columns.
# Filter Dataframe using size() of a column
from pyspark.sql.functions import size,col
df.filter(size("languages") > 2).show(truncate=False)
# Get the size of a column to create another column
4. Spark SQL Example
If you are using Spark SQL, you can also use size()
function that returns the size of an array or map type columns. The Below example creates a new column lang_len
with the size of the array column language
and filters the DataFrame that has minimum languages 2.
// Using size() function on SQL
spark.sql("select name,size(languages) as lang_len from TAB" +
" where size(languages) > 1").show(false)
// +-------+--------+
// |name |lang_len|
// +-------+--------+
// |James |2 |
// |Michael|3 |
// +-------+--------+
5. Conclusion
In summary SQL function size() is used to get the number of elements in array or map type DataFrame columns and this function return by default -1 for null values and you can change this behavior by setting spark config.
Happy Learning !!