In this Snowflake tutorial, you will learn what is Snowflake, it’s advantages and connecting Spark with Snowflake using a connector to read the Snowflake table into Spark DataFrame and write DataFrame into Snowflake table with Scala examples.
- Snowflake Introduction
- Apache Spark
- Snowflake Spark Connector
- Snowflake maven dependency
- Create snowflake Database & Table
- Snowflake connection options
- Write Spark DataFrame to Snowflake table
- Read Snowflake table to Spark DataFrame
- Column mappings
- Saving Modes
What is Snowflake Database
Snowflake database is a purely cloud-based data storage and analytics Dataware house provided as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Snowflake database is architecture and designed an entirely new SQL database engine to work with cloud infrastructure.
Unlike traditional databases, you don’t have to download and install the database to use it, instead, you just need to create an account online, this gives you access to the web console, access the console and create the database, schema, and tables. Access the database and tables either by Web console, ODBC, and JDBC drivers and third party connectors.
Though underlying architecture is different it shares the same ANSI SQL syntax and features hence learning Snowflake is easy and fast if you are coming from SQL background.
What is Apache Spark
Apache Spark is an open-source, reliable, scalable and distributed general-purpose computing engine used for processing and analyzing big data files from different sources like HDFS, S3, Azure e.t.c
Snowflake Spark Connector
Snowflake Spark connector “spark-snowflake” enables Apache Spark to read data from, and write data to Snowflake tables. When you use a connector, Spark treats Snowflake as data sources similar to HDFS, S3, JDBC, e.t.c. In fact, Snowflake spark-connector provides the data source "net.snowflake.spark.snowflake"
and it’s short-form "snowflake"
Snowflake provides a separate Spark connector for each Spark version hence, make sure you download and used the right version for your Spark.
The connector uses the JDBC driver to communicate with Snowflake and performs the following operations.
- Create a Spark DataFrame by reading a table from Snowflake.
- Write the Spark DataFrame to Snowflake table.
Data transfer between Spark RDD/DataFrame/Dataset and Snowflake happens through Snowflake internal storage (created automatically) or external storage (user provides AWS/Azure) which is used by Snowflake Spark connector to store temporary session data.
Every time when you access the Snowflake from Spark, It does the following.
- The session is created with a stage along with storage on Snowflake schema.
- It maintains the stage thorough out the session.
- Uses the stage to store intermediate data and
- Finally drops the stage when you end the connection.
Maven dependency
Create a Snowflake table to access from Spark
Unfortunately, while working with Spark, you can’t use the default database that comes with Snowflake account as spark-connector needs the privilege to create a stage on schema but we can’t change the permission on default schema hence, will create a new database and table.
In order to create a Database, logon to Snowflake web console, select the Databases from the top menu and select “create a new database” option and finally enter the database name on the form and select “Finish” button.
To create a table you can use either Snowflake web console or use the below program to create.
val properties = new java.util.Properties()
properties.put("user", "user")
properties.put("password", "#########")
properties.put("account", "oea82")
properties.put("warehouse", "mywh")
properties.put("db", "EMP")
properties.put("schema", "public")
//JDBC connection string
val jdbcUrl = "jdbc:snowflake://"
val connection = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, properties)
val statement = connection.createStatement
statement.executeUpdate("create or replace table EMPLOYEE(name VARCHAR, department VARCHAR, salary number)")
This Spark with Snowflake example is also available at GitHub project for reference
Spark Connection parameters
In order to read/write you need to basically provide the following options
: URL of your account for e.g
: You account name, you can get this from URL for e.g “oea82”sfUser
: Snowflake user name, typically your login usersfPassword
: user passwordsfWarehouse
: Snowflake Dataware house namesfDatabase
: Snowflake Database namesfSchema
: Database schema where your table belongssfRole
: Snowflake user role- and more
Write Spark DataFrame to Snowflake table Example
By using the write()
method (which is DataFrameWriter
object) of the DataFrame and providing below values, you can write the Spark DataFrame to Snowflake table.
Use format()
to specify the data source name either snowflake
or net.snowflake.spark.snowflake
Use Option()
to specify the connection parameters like URL, account, username, password, database name, schema, role and more.
Use dbtable
option to specify the Snowflake table name you wanted to write to
Use mode() to specify if you wanted to overwrite, append, or ignore if the file already present.
package com.sparkbyexamples.spark
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SaveMode, SparkSession}
object WriteEmpDataFrameToSnowflake extends App {
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
import spark.implicits._
val simpleData = Seq(("James","Sales",3000),
val df = simpleData.toDF("name","department","salary")
var sfOptions = Map(
"sfURL" -> "",
"sfAccount" -> "oea82",
"sfUser" -> "user",
"sfPassword" -> "####################",
"sfDatabase" -> "EMP",
"sfSchema" -> "PUBLIC",
"sfRole" -> "ACCOUNTADMIN"
.option("dbtable", "EMPLOYEE")
This Spark Snowflake connector scala example is also available at GitHub project WriteEmpDataFrameToSnowflake.scala for reference
Read Snowflake table into Spark DataFrame Example
By using the read()
method (which is DataFrameReader
object) of the SparkSession and providing data source name via format() method, connection options, and table name using dbtable
package com.sparkbyexamples.spark
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SparkSession}
object ReadEmpFromSnowflake extends App{
val spark = SparkSession.builder()
var sfOptions = Map(
"sfURL" -> "",
"sfAccount" -> "oea82",
"sfUser" -> "user",
"sfPassword" -> "#############",
"sfDatabase" -> "EMP",
"sfSchema" -> "PUBLIC",
"sfRole" -> "ACCOUNTADMIN"
val df: DataFrame =
.format("net.snowflake.spark.snowflake") // or just use "snowflake"
.option("dbtable", "EMPLOYEE")
This yields below output
|James |Sales |3000 |
|Michael|Sales |4600 |
|Robert |Sales |4100 |
|Maria |Finance |3000 |
|Raman |Finance |3000 |
|Scott |Finance |3300 |
|Jen |Finance |3900 |
|Jeff |Marketing |3000 |
|Kumar |Marketing |2000 |
Above Snowflake with Spark example demonstrates reading the entire table from the Snowflake table using dbtable
option and creating a Spark DataFrame, below example uses a query
option to execute a group by aggregate SQL query.
val df1: DataFrame =
.option("query", "select department, sum(salary) as total_salary from EMPLOYEE group by department")
This yields the below output.
|Sales |11700 |
|Finance |13200 |
|Marketing |5000 |
This Spark Snowflake connector scala example is also available at GitHub project ReadEmpFromSnowflake
Column Mapping
When your column names do not match between Spark DataFrame schema and Snowflake table-use <strong>columnmap</strong>
options with a parameter as a single string literal.
.option("columnmap", "Map(col_2 -> col_b, col_3 -> col_a)")
Saving Modes
Spark DataFrameWriter
also has a method mode() to specify SaveMode; the argument to this method either takes below string or a constant from SaveMode
overwrite – mode is used to overwrite the existing file, alternatively, you can use SaveMode.Overwrite
append – To add the data to the existing file, alternatively, you can use SaveMode.Append
ignore – Ignores write operation when the file already exists, alternatively you can use SaveMode.Ignore
errorifexists or error – This is a default option when the file already exists, it returns an error, alternatively, you can use SaveMode.ErrorIfExists
In this article, you have learned Snowflake is a cloud-based Dataware house database and storage engine that uses traditional ANSI SQL syntax to interact with the database and learned how to read a Snowflake table to Spark DataFrame and write Spark DataFrame to Snowflake table using Snowflake connector.
Related Articles
- Read Snowflake table into Spark DataFrame
- Spark Write DataFrame to Snowflake table
- Spark Read ORC file into DataFrame
- How to Load JSON file into Snowflake table
- Snowflake Create, Clone, Drop Database
- Load file from Amazon S3 into Snowflake table
- How to Load Parquet file into Snowflake table
- Load CSV file into Snowflake Database table
Happy Learning !!
I believe you are looking for named parameters, I don’t think Spark supports that.
How can we pass parameters or variables in query in scala? like select * from table where column =
do you have an example in java?