You are currently viewing Spark Read ORC file into DataFrame

Spark natively supports ORC data source to read ORC into DataFrame and write it back to the ORC file format using orc() method of DataFrameReader and DataFrameWriter. In this article, I will explain how to read an ORC file into Spark DataFrame, proform some filtering, creating a table by reading the ORC file, and finally writing is back by partition using scala examples.

Table of contents

  • What is ORC?
  • ORC advantages
  • Write Spark DataFrame to ORC file
  • Read ORC file into Spark DataFrame
  • Creating a table on ORC file & using SQL
  • Using Partition
  • Which compression to choose

What is the ORC file?

ORC stands of Optimized Row Columnar which provides a highly efficient way to store the data in a self-describing, type-aware column-oriented format for the Hadoop ecosystem. This is similar to other columnar storage formats Hadoop supports such as RCFile, parquet.

ORC file format heavily used as a storage for Apache Hive due to its highly efficient way of storing data which enables high-speed processing and ORC also used or natively supported by many frameworks like Hadoop MapReduce, Apache Spark, Pig, Nifi, and many more.

ORC Advantages

  • Compression: ORC stores data as columns and in compressed format hence it takes way less disk storage than other formats.
  • Reduces I/O: ORC reads only columns that are mentioned in a query for processing hence it takes reduces I/O.
  • Fast reads: ORC is used for high-speed processing as it by default creates built-in index and has some default aggregates like min/max values for numeric data.

ORC Compression

Spark supports the following compression options for ORC data source. By default, it uses SNAPPY when not specified.

  • ZLIB
  • LZO
  • NONE

Create a DataFrame

Spark by default supports ORC file formats without importing third party ORC dependencies. Since we don’t have an ORC file to read, first will create an ORC file from the DataFrame. Below is a sample DataFrame we use to create an ORC file.

val data =Seq(("James ","","Smith","36636","M",3000),
  ("Michael ","Rose","","40288","M",4000),
  ("Robert ","","Williams","42114","M",4000),
  ("Maria ","Anne","Jones","39192","F",4000),
val columns=Seq("firstname","middlename","lastname","dob","gender","salary")
val df=spark.createDataFrame(data).toDF(columns:_*)

Spark Write ORC file

Spark DataFrameWriter uses orc() method to write or create ORC file from DataFrame. This method takes a path as an argument where to write a ORC file.


Alternatively, you can also write using format("orc")

Spark read orc snappy compression
Spark write ORC in snappy compression

Spark by default uses snappy compression while writing ORC file. You can notice this on the part file names. And you can change the compression from default snappy to either none or zlib using an option compression


This creates ORC files with zlib compression.

Spark write orc with zlib compression
Spark write ORC in zlib compression

Using append save mode, you can append a DataFrame to an existing ORC file. Incase to overwrite use overwrite save mode.


Spark Read ORC file

Use Spark DataFrameReader’s orc() method to read ORC file into DataFrame. This supports reading snappy, zlib or no compression, it is not necessary to specify in compression option while reading a ORC file."/tmp/orc/data.orc")

In order to read ORC files from Amazon S3, use the below prefix to the path along with third-party dependencies and credentials.

  • s3:\\ = > First gen
  • s3n:\\ => second Gen
  • s3a:\\ => Third gen

Executing SQL queries on DataFrame

We can also create a temporary view on Stark DataFrame that was created on ORC file and run SQL queries.. These views are available until your program exits.

val orcSQL = spark.sql("select firstname,dob from ORCTable where salary >= 4000 ")

In this example, the physical table scan loads only columns firstname, dob, and age at runtime, without reading all columns from the file system. This improves read performance.

Creating a table on ORC file

Now let’s walk through executing SQL queries on the ORC file without creating a DataFrame first. In order to execute SQL queries, create a temporary view or table directly on the ORC file instead of creating from DataFrame.

spark.sql("CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW PERSON USING orc OPTIONS (path \"/tmp/orc/data.orc\")")
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM PERSON").show()

Here, we created a temporary view PERSON from ORC file “data” file. This gives the following results.

|firstname|middlename|lastname|  dob|gender|salary|
|  Robert |          |Williams|42114|     M|  4000|
|   Maria |      Anne|   Jones|39192|     F|  4000|
| Michael |      Rose|        |40288|     M|  4000|
|   James |          |   Smith|36636|     M|  3000|
|      Jen|      Mary|   Brown|     |     F|    -1|

Using Partition

When we execute a particular query on PERSON table, it scan’s through all the rows and returns the results the selected columns back. In Spark, we can improve query execution in an optimized way by doing partitions on the data using partitionBy() method. Following is the example of partitionBy().


When you check the people.orc file, it has two partitions “gender” followed by “salary” inside.

Reading a specific Partition

The example below explains of reading partitioned ORC file into DataFrame with gender=M.


Which compression to choose

Not writing ORC files in compression results in larger disk space and slower in performance. Hence, it is suggestable to use compression. Below are basic comparison between ZLIB and SNAPPY when to use what.

  • When you need a faster read then ZLIB compression is to-go option, without a doubt, It also takes smaller storage on disk compared with SNAPPY.
  • ZLIB is slightly slower in write compared with SNAPPY. If you have large data set to write, use SNAPPY. For smaller datasets, it is still suggestible to use ZLIB.

Complete Example of using ORC in Spark

import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession}

object ReadORCFile extends App{

  val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder()

  val data =Seq(("James ","","Smith","36636","M",3000),
  ("Michael ","Rose","","40288","M",4000),
  ("Robert ","","Williams","42114","M",4000),
  ("Maria ","Anne","Jones","39192","F",4000),
  val columns=Seq("firstname","middlename","lastname","dob","gender","salary")
  val df=spark.createDataFrame(data).toDF(columns:_*)





  val orcSQL = spark.sql("select firstname,dob from ORCTable where salary >= 4000 ")

  spark.sql("CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW PERSON USING orc OPTIONS (path \"/tmp/orc/data.orc\")")
  spark.sql("SELECT * FROM PERSON").show()


In summary, ORC is a high efficient, compressed columnar format that is capable to store petabytes of data without compromising fast reads. Spark natively supports ORC data source to read and write an ORC files using orc() method on DataFrameReader and DataFrameWrite.


Naveen Nelamali

Naveen Nelamali (NNK) is a Data Engineer with 20+ years of experience in transforming data into actionable insights. Over the years, He has honed his expertise in designing, implementing, and maintaining data pipelines with frameworks like Apache Spark, PySpark, Pandas, R, Hive and Machine Learning. Naveen journey in the field of data engineering has been a continuous learning, innovation, and a strong commitment to data integrity. In this blog, he shares his experiences with the data as he come across. Follow Naveen @ LinkedIn and Medium

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  1. Keyur

    Hi if you can write one example for Spark with HIVE ORC Table which would be really helpful.
    i mean in Hive Server 2 we have ORC Table we want to read it in Spark and process it.