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By using the merge() function we can perform join operation on data frames in R programming. This merge() function supports all basic SQL Join Types like inner join, left or left outer join, right or right outer join, full outer join, and cross join. If there are more than two data frames to be joined, then you can use reduce() method available in tidyverse library, this package also supports all other joins in R programming.


To perform Anti and semi-joins use the dplyr package functions anti_join() and semi_join(). In this article, I will explain multiple approaches for joining data frames using R examples. If you are interested in joining more than two data frames, please refer to the section on joining multiple data frames.

R base uses merge() join to perform most of the join by changing the values to parameters all and by.

JoinR Basedplyr Package
Inner Joinall=FALSEinner_join()
Left or Left Outer Joinall.x=TRUEleft_join()
Right or Right Outer Joinall.y=TRUEright_join()
Full Outer Joinall=TRUEfull_join()
Cross Joinby=NULL,
Not Available
Left Anti JoinNot Availableanti_join()
Left Semi JoinNot Availablesemi_join()
R Join Data Frames

1. merge() Syntax

Below is the merge() syntax used to join the data frames.

# Syntax of merge() function
merge(x, y, …)
# S3 method for default
merge(x, y, …)
# S3 method for data.frame
merge(x, y, by = intersect(names(x), names(y)),
      by.x = by, by.y = by, all = FALSE, all.x = all, all.y = all,
      sort = TRUE, suffixes = c(".x",".y"), no.dups = TRUE,
      incomparables = NULL, …)

Remaining tutorial I will explain Join Types using the above syntaxes.

Before we dive into examples of R joins, let’s create two data frames, emp and dept. The emp data frame has a unique emp_id column, while dept has a unique dept_id column. Additionally, the dept_id in emp corresponds to the dept_id in dept.

# Create Emp Data Frame

# Create dept Data Frame


Yields below output.

r inner join

2. Inner Join

In R, the default join is an inner join, also known as a natural join. It’s primarily used to merge data frames based on a specific column. If the column values don’t match, the corresponding rows from both data frames (like emp and dept) are excluded from the result. Here by default, it uses all = FALSE. This join is similar to a set intersection.

# R Inner Join
df2 <- merge(x = emp_df, y = dept_df, by = "dept_id")

When we perform an Inner Join on our datasets, it removes dept_id 50 from the emp dataset and dept_id 30 from the dept dataset. The resulting dataset after this join is shown below.

r inner join

Similarly, use inner_join() from the dplyr package to get the same result.

# Import dplyr

# inner join using dplyr package
df2 = emp_df %>% inner_join(dept_df, by = "dept_id")

3. Left Outer Join

R left join is used to perform left joining on two data frames based on the common columns of single/multiple and return the data frame having all rows from the left data frame and any matching rows from the right data frame. Unmatched rows from the right data frame will have NA values in the columns from the right data frame.

Use all.x=TRUE to perform the left outer join in R.

# R left outer join data.frames
df2 <- merge(x = emp_df, y = dept_df, 
             by = "dept_id", all.x=TRUE)

In our dataset, dept_id 50 doesn’t have a corresponding record in the dept dataset, resulting in NA values for the dept_name. Meanwhile, dept_id 30 from the dept dataset has been removed from the results. The outcome of the Join expression is shown below.

r join

Similarly, use left_join() from the dplyr package to get the same result.

# Import dplyr

# left join using dplyr package
df2 = emp_df %>% left_join(dept_df, by = "dept_id")

4. Right Outer Join

To perform a right outer join, use all.y = TRUE. This approach contrasts with a left join by keeping all rows from the right data frame, even if there’s no corresponding match in the left data frame. If there’s no match, the resulting dataset will contain NA values for the unmatched fields. Additionally, any records from the left data frame without a match in the right data frame will be excluded from the final output.

Use all.y=TRUE to perform the right outer join

# R right outer join data.frames
df2 <- merge(x = emp_df, y = dept_df, 
             by = "dept_id", all.y=TRUE)

In our example, the right dataset has a record with dept_id 30 that isn’t present in the left dataset emp, resulting in NA (or null) values for the emp fields in this row. Additionally, the record with dept_id 50 is excluded because there’s no corresponding match in the right dataset. Below is the result of the above Join expression.

r right outer join

Similarly, use right_join() from the dplyr package to get the same result.

# Import dplyr

# right join using dplyr package
df2 = emp_df %>% right_join(dept_df, by = "dept_id")

5. Full Outer Join

Use all=TRUE to perform full outer join, it returns all rows from both DataFrames, where join expression doesn’t match it returns NA on respective record columns.

# R full outer join data.frames
df2 <- merge(x = emp_df, y = dept_df, 
             by = "dept_id", all=TRUE)

From our emp dataset’s dept_id with value 50 doesn’t have a record on dept hence dept columns have NA and dept_id 30 doesn’t have a record in emp hence you see NA on the emp columns. Below is the result of the above Join expression.

r full outer join

Similarly, use full_join() from the dplyr package to get the same result.

# Import dplyr

# full join using dplyr package
df2 = emp_df %>% full_join(dept_df, by = "dept_id")

6. Cross Join

Use by=NULL to perform cross-join. A Cross Join, also known as cartesian join, performs every row of one dataframe and is being joined with every other row of another dataframe.

# R Cross join data.frames
df2 <- merge(x = emp_df, y = dept_df, 
             by = NULL)

7. Left Semi Join

A semi join in R is like an inner join, but with a key difference, it returns all columns from the left data frame while disregarding any columns from the right data frame. Essentially, this join provides the rows from the left data frame that have a corresponding match in the right data frame based on the specified join condition. Rows in both the left and right data frames that do not meet the join condition are excluded.

You could achieve a similar result by selecting specific columns after an inner join, but a semi join is generally more efficient. In R, you can use the semi_join() function from the dplyr package to perform a left semi join.

# Import dplyr

# left semi join
df2 = emp_df %>% semi_join(dept_df, by = "dept_id")

Below is the result of the above join expression.

r left semi join

8. Left Anti Join

An anti-join in R does the reverse of a left semi-join. It retrieves only the columns from the left data frame for rows where there’s no corresponding match in the right data frame. To perform left anti-join in R use the anti_join() function from the dplyr package.

In other words, it selects all rows from the left data frame that are not present in the right data frame (similar to left df – right df).

# Import dplyr package

# left anti join data.frames
df2 = emp_df %>% anti_join(dept_df, by = "dept_id")

Yields below output

r left anti join

9. Source Code | R Example

# Create Emp Data Frame

# Create dept Data Frame

# inner join data.frames
df2 <- merge(x = emp_df, y = dept_df, by = "dept_id")

# left outer join data.frames
df2 <- merge(x = emp_df, y = dept_df, 
             by = "dept_id", all.x=TRUE)

# right outer join data.frames
df2 <- merge(x = emp_df, y = dept_df, 
             by = "dept_id", all.y=TRUE)

# full outer join data.frames
df2 <- merge(x = emp_df, y = dept_df, 
             by = "dept_id", all=TRUE)

# cross outer join data.frames
df2 <- merge(x = emp_df, y = dept_df, 
             by = NULL)

# Import dplyr package
# left semi join data.frames
df2 = emp_df %>% semi_join(dept_df, by = "dept_id")

# left anti join data.frames
df2 = emp_df %>% anti_join(dept_df, by = "dept_id")

The examples explained here are available on the GitHub project for reference.


In this article, I have explained how to perform R join data frames using the merge() function and dplyr package. Also, explained how to perform inner, left outer, right outer, left anti, left semi, and cross joins with examples.

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