The names() function in R is used to get or set the name of an object. The object can be a list, vector, matrix, and DataFrame. Use names(x)
to get the name of the object and names(x) <- vector
to assign names to the object. To remove the object name assign the value NULL
When setting a name to the vector, list, or DataFrame make sure you have the character vector of the same length as x
(x being the object you are setting name to).
1. Quick Examples of names() Function
Following are quick examples of names()
# Create a vector
vec <- c(10,30,50,70,90)
# Set name to Vector
names(vec) <- c('a','b','c','d','e')
# Get name of vector
# Remove vector name
names(vec) <- NULL
# Create list object
li <- list('Spark','R','Java','Python')
# Assign name to the list
names(li) <- c('AA','AB','AC','AD')
# Get name of the list object
#Change names of the DataFrame
names(df) <- c('A','B','C','D','E')
2. Syntax of names()
Following is the syntax of the names() Function.
# Get name
# Set name
names(x) <- value
is the name of an object in Rvalue
is a character vector of up to the same length asx
, orNULL
3. Set & Get name from the R Vector
To set the name of an object or get the name of an object or even to remove the name use the names() function in R. The object can be a list, vector, matrix, and DataFrame. Use names(x) to get the name of the object and names(x) <- vector to assign names to the object. To remove the object name assign the value NULL.
3.1 Set Name of Vector
Let’s create a vector using the combine function. In the below example, vector I created doesn’t have names for the elements and I will assign names to the vector. c() is a combined function that I am using to create a character vector.
# Create a vector
vec <- c(10,30,50,70,90)
# Output
# [1] 10 30 50 70 90
# Set name to Vector
names(vec) <- c('a','b','c','d','e')
3.2 Get Name of Vector
Use names(vec) to get the name of the vector in R.
# Get name of vector
# Output
# [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e"
# Print vector
# Output
# a b c d e
#10 30 50 70 90
3.3 Remove Vector Name
To remove the name of the vector or any object assign NULL to it.
# Remove vector name
names(vec) <- NULL
# Output
# > names(vec)
# > print(vec)
# [1] 10 30 50 70 90
4. Set & Get name from the R List
You can also set name to the list object, get name of the list object and finally remove name from the list object. Let’s see an example.
# Create list object
li <- list('Spark','R','Java','Python')
# Assign name to the list
names(li) <- c('AA','AB','AC','AD')
# Get name of the list object
# Print list to console
I will leave this to you to run and explore the output.
5. Set & Get names from R DataFrame
You can also use names in R to change the column names of the DataFrame. If you already have a column name, you can use this to replace the column names of the DataFrame.
# Create dataframe
#change names of the dataframe
names(df) <- c('A','B','C','D','E')
Yields below output.
In this article, you have learned how to get or set a name to the object by using R names() function. The object can be a list, vector, matrix, and DataFrame. Use names(x) to get the name of the object and names(x) <- vector to assign names to the object. To remove the object name assign the value NULL.
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Awesome explanation. Been searching for a good site explaining names for a while.