You are currently viewing R Using For in Range with Example

The for in range in R is a syntax to iterate for loop with a range of values from starting and ending position. Someone asked me how to use for i in range in R programming in comments, I would like to take some time to cover this with a few examples.

If you are not familiar with for loop in R, the for loop is used to repeatedly execute a set of statements or block of code for every element in a sequence or range. The for loop is always used with sequence objects like a list, vector, or array. Loop continues until we reach the last item in the sequence or until the break statement encounter. 

1. Syntax of for in Range

Below is the syntax of for in a range of values. Here, the range is the range of values that contains start:stop.

# for in range syntax
for (var in range) {
    # statement(s)    

2. for in Range of Numeric Values in R

By using for we can execute the block of code repeatedly for all elements in a range in R. The below example uses 5:10 range which ideally creates a vector with numeric values between 5 and 10 (including start and end values).

# for i in range example
numeric_range <- 5:10
for(i in numeric_range) { 
  print(paste("i value : ", i))

Yields below output. This example prints values from starting and ending to the console.

for i in range

You can also write the above statement as follows (using the range within for loop).

# for i in letters range example
for(i in 5:10) { 
  print(paste("i value : ", i))

Yields the same output as above.

3. for in Range of Letters

Similarly, you can also use for with a range of letters. To get the range of letters you should use LETTERS[start:stop]. Here, the start and stop would be numeric values and it returns the alphabet of the number position.

# for i in letters range example
for(i in LETTERS[2:5]) { 
  print(paste("i value : ", i))

Yields below output.

for i in range r


In this article, you have learned how to use for i in range by R example. Also, learned for with a range of letters. To get the range of letters you should use LETTERS[start:stop]. The for in range in R is a syntax to iterate for loop with a range of values from starting to ending position.

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