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  • Post category:MongoDB
  • Post last modified:May 9, 2024
  • Reading time:14 mins read

updateOne() is a method in the MongoDB that allows you to update a single document in a collection that matches a specified filter. When the filter returns more than one document, only the first one will be updated and nothing will be changed if there are no documents that fit the filter.


Note that updateOne() method only updates a single document that matches the filter. If a filter returns multiple documents, it update the first document. If you want to update multiple documents that match a filter, you can use the updateMany() method instead. 

In order to explain the updateOne() method in MongoDB, let’s create the sample collection with a few documents.

# Create Collection by inserting some documents
         _id: 1,
         name: "Jermy",
         age: 24,
         marks: 500,
         email: "[email protected]",
         course: ["Python", "MongoDB", "Java"],
         points: [10, 9, 3]
         _id: 2,
         name: "Niki",
         age: 20,
         marks: 450,
         email: "[email protected]",
         course: ["Python", "MongoDB", "Java"],
         points: [5, 9, 3]
         _id: 3,
         name: "Ian",
         age: 24,
         marks: 400,
         email: "[email protected]",
         course: ["Python", "MongoDB", "Java"],
         points: [12, 5, 13]
         _id: 4,
         name: "Tyler",
         age: 23,
         marks: 390,
         email: "[email protected]",
         course: ["Python", "MongoDB", "Java"],
         points: [5, 10, 9]

1. Syntax of updateOne()

Following is the syntax of the updateOne() method.

# Syntax
db.collection('myCollection').updateOne(filter, update, options)

1.1 Paramters

  • The filter parameter indicates the selection criteria for the document to update.
  • The update specifies that the method takes different options that modify the fields in the selected document.
  • options is an optional object that specifies additional options for the update operation, such as upsert, writeConcern, collation, arrayFilters, hint

Options possible values

upsertIt takes the default value as false. When it is true, it creates a new document if no documents match the filter criteria, When a document matches the filter, it updates a single document.
writeConcernWhen used it omits the default write concern. The type of this parameter is a document.
collationIt specifies the use of the collation for operations. Collation allows users to specify language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks.
arrayFiltersIt is an array of filter documents that indicates which array elements to modify for an update operation on an array field. The type of this parameter is an array.
hintIt takes a document or string values that specifies the index to use to support the filter.
It takes the index specification document or the index name string.

1.2 Returns

The updateOne() method returns a document with follwoing details:

  • matchedCount – number of documents matched
  • modifiedCount – number of documents modified
  • upsertedId containing the _id for the upserted document.
  • acknowledged – true if the operation ran with write concernfalse if write concern was disabled

2. Using MongoDB updateOne() method to update the document

The updateOne() method only updates the initial document that satisfies the query filter. The updateOne() method takes the filter as argument that selects the document to be updated based on the value.

Here, the query filter name field equal to Jermy. then, the updateOne() method takes the $set operator to set the value of the age field to 20 for the selected document.

# Updating one document
db.student.updateOne({name: "Jermy"}, {$set:{age:20}})

The following output yielded indicates that one document has been modified and matched.

UpdateOne method in MongoDB

The following updated document can be read below.

UpdateOne method in MongoDB

3. Use the updateOne() to update the document with a new field

The updateOne() method also adds a field that is not found in the matched document. The query below called the updateOne() method, with the filter as the first argument to modify the document. The filter uses the name field to match records where Ian appears in the document.

After that, the $set operator is assigned as a second argument of the updateOne() method. Here, the $set operator inserts New York as the value for the location field for the selected document.

Note that location doesn’t exist in any of the documents in the collection student. But the updateOne() method will insert this field with the specified value in the filtered document.

# Updating document with new field
db.student.updateOne({name:"Ian"},{$set:{location:"New york"}})

The following output represents that the document is matched and modified.

Furthermore, we can see the modified and matched document with the new field location.

4. Use the updateOne() to update the document by increasing the value

The updateOne() method also accepts the $inc operator to increment a numeric field by a specified value. In the below example, the given query of the updateOne() method updates the document one document that matches the specified filter. As the _id column has a value of 4, the filter chooses the updated document according to that value.

Furthermore, the updateOne() method is set with the $inc operator that increments the value of the marks field by 400 for the selected document.

# Updating documents by increasing value
db.student.updateOne({_id: 4}, { $inc: {marks: 400}})

The following result shows that the document is updated by incrementing a specified value of the field.

UpdateOne method in MongoDB

We read the modified document that appears with the increased value of the marks field below.

5. Use the updateOne() to add the new document if it doesn’t exist

Further, the upsert option can be used in the updateOne() method to insert the new document if one does not already exist that meets the specified filter.

Note that we have specified the upsert option after the $set operator, which creates a new document if one does not already exist that match the specified filter. If there is no document in the student collection that matches the filter, MongoDB will create a new document with the name, age, and email fields set to the given values, respectively.

# Adding new document if it doesn’t exist
     { $set: {age:27, email:"[email protected]"}},
     { upsert: true }

The following output retrieved below indicates that the matched document is not found. But that document has been added to the collection.

The new document upserted in the collection student like this.

UpdateOne method in MongoDB

If you want to know how to insert a document if it does not exist, you can use the following link.

6. Using the updateOne() method to update the array fields of the document

The arrays can also be modified via the updateOne() method. The updateOne() method query modified the value of the first and second elements of the course array in the document that matches the filter to C++ and C#, respectively. Here, the course field is an array, and the notation . dot indicates each element’s position within the array.

# Updating array fields in document
db.student.updateOne({ _id: 3 }, 
           { $set: { 
            "course.0": "C++", 
            "course.1": "C#"

The output verifies that the document is matched and updated the array value.

Now, we have retrieved the document updated with the array field values.

UpdateOne in MongoDB

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, you have learned the MongoDB updateOne() method that is used to update one document. The updateOne() method offers a variety of update operators that can be used to modify a single document in a collection that matches a given filter. It can also be used to insert a document when document not found.

More details about this topic can be found here.