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  • Post category:MongoDB
  • Post last modified:May 9, 2024
  • Reading time:8 mins read

The MongoDB client is a software tool or program that is used to interact with a MongoDB database. We can use it to connect databases, manage databases and collections, run queries, and perform CRUD operations on MongoDB databases.


Several MongoDB clients are available, including Mongosh shell, Robo 3T, Studio 3T, MongoDB Compass, and NoSQLBooster. Among these client tools, MongoDB’s official page provides a mongosh shell, drivers, and Mongodb compass.

1. MongoDB CLI (Mongosh)

MongoDB provides a command-line <a href="https://sparkbyexamples.com/mongodb/working-with-mongodb-shell/">shell interface mongosh</a> client that allows us to connect to a MongoDB server and execute commands and queries. We can download the mongosh shell from the official website of MongoDB.

The mongosh is a new command-line shell and interactive JavaScript environment provided by MongoDB. It allows you to interact with MongoDB databases and collections using a simple and intuitive syntax that is similar to the MongoDB query language.

With mongosh CLI, you can execute CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, query and aggregate data, create indexes, manage users and roles, and perform other administrative tasks.

2. MongoDB Drivers

Next, we have MongoDB drivers, which also serve as MongoDB client. MongoDB provides drivers for several programming languages, including Python and Node.js. These drivers permit us to interact with a MongoDB server using code. The Node.js MongoDB driver enables us to connect with MongoDB databases using JavaScript. Likewise, MongoDB’s Python driver enables us to use Python to connect with the databases.

3. MongoDB Compass (GUI)

MongoDB recognizes the compass as the official graphical user interface (GUI). We can examine, query, and alter your data due to its graphic representation of the data.

To get the MongoDB compass client in our system, we can visit the MongoDB official website by browsing for the compass. The page will show a Download Now page like the one below, redirecting us to the download to install the preferred installer for a compass.

MongoDB Clients

From here, we can select the version and the installer to download the MongoDB compass to the required platform. Once click on the Download option, the installer will start downloading, which takes a few minutes.

Complete the installation process accordingly and open the application on the system to connect with the MongoDB server.  There, we can see the option New connection on the left sidebar. Click on that option to create the connection with the MongoDB server. The following pop-up will be generated afterward, and we can establish the connection here.

MongoDB Client download

Moreover, we can build a connection with some advanced options to connect to the MongoDB server in the MongoDB client tool compass. First, we have the general option for the advanced connection, where we can build the standard string scheme. By default, MongoDB is selected but mongodb +srv can also be selected for the DNS queries. In the Host option, we also change the hostname and port number.

MongoDB Clients

Additionally, through the client tool compass, the authentication mechanism for the MongoDB connection can also be set. The option Authentication next to the general option below enables us to set the username and password for the MongoDB server connection. When we specify the username and password for the connection, the URI section will also be updated accordingly, as in the image.

Next is the TLS/SSL option that is used for encryption. Here, we have enabled the TLS/SSL connection for the MongoDB server. We can see in the URI section that it is modified with tls=true. In the same manner, we can choose a more advanced option given to us for establishing a more secure connection from the client to the MongoDB server.

MongoDB Client

Connect to the MongoDB server by selecting the connect option, or we can also select the save&connect option. Once the connection with MongoDB is established, then only we can proceed with the MongoDB deployment.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, each of the MongoDB clients offers a unique collection of expertise, benefits, and drawbacks. However, the choice of a client depends on the user’s preference, use case, and familiarity with a programming language.

More details about this topic can be found here.