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How to replace an empty string with NA in R DataFrame (data.frame)? By using methods from R built-in, and dplyr package we can replace empty strings with NA values on the data frame. In this article, I have covered different ways to replace. Also, I have covered replacing empty string with NA on a single column, multiple columns, and by index position with examples.

In case you want to replace zero with NA, refer to this article.

1. Quick Examples of Replace Empty String with NA Value

Following are quick examples of how to replace an empty string with an NA value in an R Dataframe.

# Quick Examples of replacing empty string with NA

# Example 1 - Replace on all columns
df[df == ''] <- NA

# Example 2 - Replace on selected columns
df["name"][df["name"] == ''] <- NA

# Example 3 - Using replace() function
df <- replace(df, df=='', NA)

# Example 4 -  Replace using dplyr::na_if()
df <- na_if(df, '')

# Example 5 - Replace using dplyr::mutate_all() 
df <- df %>% mutate_all(~na_if(., ''))

# Example 6 - Replace only on all Numeric columns
df <- df %>% mutate_if(is.character, ~na_if(., ''))

# Example 7 - Replace only on selected columns
df <- df %>% mutate_at(c('name'), ~na_if(., ''))

# Example 8 - Replace only on selected column index
df <- df %>% mutate_at(c(2), ~na_if(., ''))

# Example 9 - Replacing on tibble
df2 <-tibble(
  col1 = c("A", "B", "NA"),
  col2 = c(0, 2, NA),
  col3 = c(1, NA, 5)
df2 <- df2 %>% mutate_if(is.numeric , replace_na, replace = '')

Let’s create an R data frame, run these examples, and validate the results.

# Create dataframe with numeric columns
# Output
#  id   name gender
# 1  2    ram       
# 2  1             m
# 3  3 chrisa       

2. Replace Empty String with NA in an R Dataframe

As you saw above R provides several ways to replace Empty/Blank String with NA on a data frame, among all the first approach would be using the directly R base feature. Use df[df==”] to check if the value of a data frame column is an empty string, if it is an empty string you can assign the value NA. The below example replaces all blank string values on all columns with NA. I have created another article replace NA with empty string which is the reverse of what we are learning here.

#Example 1 - Replace on all columns
df[df == ''] <- NA

#  id   name gender
#1  2    ram   <NA>
#2  1   <NA>      m
#3  3 chrisa   <NA>

This is the most generic approach where you can use this on vector as well to replace its values.

3. Replace Selected Columns

When you have multiple columns in R data frame and you would require to select a single column to replace the empty string with NA, you can achieve this by following. This updates only column name.

#Example 2 - Replace on selected olumns
df["name"][df["name"] == ''] <- NA

#  id   name gender
#1  2    ram       
#2  1   <NA>      m
#3  3 chrisa   

4. Using R replace() function to update Empty String with NA

R has a built-in function called replace() that replaces values in a vector with another value, for example, blank space with NAs.

#Example 3 - Using replace() function
df <- replace(df, df=='', NA)

#  id   name gender
#1  2    ram   <NA>
#2  1   <NA>      m
#3  3 chrisa   <NA>

5. Update Empty String with NA using R dplyr::na_if()

All previous examples use the Base R built-in functions that can be used on a smaller dataset but, for bigger data sets, you have to use methods from dplyr package as they perform 30% faster. dplyr package uses C++ code to evaluate.

The dplyr is third-party package that is required to install first using install.packages('dplyr') and load it using library("dplyr"). na_if() is a method from dplyr package.

#Example 4 -  Replace using dplyr::na_if()
df <- na_if(df, '')

#  id   name gender
#1  2    ram   <NA>
#2  1   <NA>      m
#3  3 chrisa   <NA>

6. Update Empty String with NA using dplyr::mutate_all()

mutate_all() is another method in dplyr package to substitute the empty string with NA value on all data frame columns.

#Example 5 - Replace using dplyr::mutate_all() 
df <- df %>% mutate_all(~na_if(., ''))

#  id   name gender
#1  2    ram   <NA>
#2  1   <NA>      m
#3  3 chrisa   <NA>

7. Replace on All Character columns

mutate_if() affects variables selected with a predicate function, here is.numeric is used as a predicate to replace values only on numeric columns. Since we have all numeric columns, it updates all columns with NA for value empty string.

#Example 6 - Replace only on all Character columns
df <- df %>% mutate_if(is.character, ~na_if(., ''))

#  id   name gender
#1  2    ram   <NA>
#2  1   <NA>      m
#3  3 chrisa   <NA>

Yields the same output as above.

8. Replace Blank String with NA Only on Selected Columns

mutate_at() affects variables selected with a character vector or vars(). Here we update values only on pages column.

#Example 7 - Replace only on selected columns
df <- df %>% mutate_at(c('name'), ~na_if(., ''))

#  id   name gender
#1  2    ram       
#2  1   <NA>      m
#3  3 chrisa   

9. Replace Blank String with NA on Selected Column Indexs

If you pass a vector with index position to mutate_at(), it replaces all blank values with NA on selected index position columns in R dataframe. This updates index 2 which is name column. Note that in R the index starts from 1.

#Example 8 - Replace only on selected column index
df <- df %>% mutate_at(c(2), ~na_if(., ''))

#  id   name gender
#1  2    ram       
#2  1   <NA>      m
#3  3 chrisa   

10. Conclusion

In this article, I have covered 10 ways to replace the empty or blank string with NA value in an R data frame. Also, I have covered how to replace it on a single column, multiple columns, and columns with index position using the R base function and dplyr package methods.
