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You are currently viewing Efficient Data Import in R: CSV, Excel, JSON, and More

Efficient data import in R is essential for any data analysis or data engineering workflow. As datasets become more complex, choosing the right tools for fast and memory-efficient data handling becomes essential. R programming language is a popular language for data analysis, provides a variety of packages that allow users to handle data from different file formats such as CSV, Excel, JSON, and even databases. In this article, I will explore the best practices and techniques for importing data efficiently in R, particularly when dealing with large datasets.

Introduction to Data Import in R

Data import is the starting point for most analysis projects. Whether you’re dealing with structured files like CSV and Excel or semi-structured formats like JSON and HTML, R offers powerful tools to handle them. Basic functions like read.csv() work well for small datasets, but for larger datasets, specialized packages like readr and data.table provide faster and more memory-efficient options.

Importing CSV Data into R

Using readr for Faster CSV Imports

CSV files are commonly used to store tabular data. Although R’s base function read.csv() is easy to use, it can be slow with large datasets. The readr package provides a faster alternative through read_csv().

Let’s read CSV files into R using the reader package.

# Read csv files using reader package
# Install and Load readr package

#  Import CSV data
data <- read_csv("C:/data/ArgentinaCPI.csv")

# # Display the first few rows

In this example, I will use the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Argentina in the form CSV data. The dataset contains a quarterly univariate time series of the CPI, with the index set to 1 in the fourth quarter of 1969. It covers the period from the first quarter of 1970 to the fourth quarter of 1989.

Yields below output.

 import data in r


  • Significantly faster than read.csv().
  • Automatically detect column types for better performance.
  • Includes a progress bar to track the loading of large datasets

Using data.table for Speed and Efficiency

For very large datasets, the data.table package’s fread() function is even faster and more memory-efficient than readr. It’s designed to handle millions of rows quickly.

# Read csv files using reader package
# Install and Load data.table package

# Import CSV data
data <- fread("C:/data/ArgentinaCPI.csv")

# Display the first few rows

Yields below output.

Data Import in R


  • Extremely fast for large files.
  • Memory efficiency by reading data in chunks.

Importing Excel Data into R

Excel files are commonly used for sharing data. The readxl and openxlsx packages provide convenient functions for reading .xlsx files. readxl is faster and more lightweight, while openxlsx offers more features like writing in Excel.

Sample Excel file:

1022024-01-08Bob Mouse520100
  • Columns:
    • Order_ID: Unique identifier for each order.
    • Date: Date of the order.
    • Customer_Name: Name of the customer.
    • Product: Name of the product purchased.
    • Quantity: Number of units purchased.
    • Price_per_Unit: Price of each unit.
    • Total_Amount: Total amount paid (Quantity * Price_per_Unit).

Using readxl Package

Let’s use the readxl package to import the excel data fastly into R environment in the form form of tibble.

# Read Excel files using readxl package
# Install and Load readxl package

# Import Excel data from the first sheet
data <- read_excel("C:/data/SalesReport.xlsx", sheet = 1)

Yields below output.

Data Import in R

Using openxlsx Package

# Read Excel files using openxlsx package
# Install and Load openxlsx package

# Import Excel data from the first sheet
data <- read.xlsx("C:/data/SalesReport.xlsx", sheet = 1)

Yields below output.

Data Import in R


  • Easily read specific sheets, rows, and columns.
  • There is no need for external dependencies like Java or Perl.

Import Data from a TXT File into R

The R base packages offer various functions, such as read.table() and read.delim(), to read a text file into the R environment as data frames. Text files with the .txt extension are in a human-readable format and are often used for storing scientific and analytical data. When storing data in text files, fields are typically separated by a tab delimiter.

In this example, I will use sample TXT data derived from a well-known built-in dataset in R called “mtcars” (Motor Trend Car Road Tests).

Data Import in R

Using read.table()

The read.table() function is a flexible, general-purpose function for reading data from a text file and convert a delimited text file into a data frame. It allows users to specify various parameters, such as the delimiter, headers, and data types, making it suitable for many types of tabular data.

By default, read.table() separates columns using whitespace (either spaces or tabs). It does not assume a header row, so column names are automatically assigned as V1, V2, and so forth, unless header = TRUE is specified.

To import a CSV file with read.table(), simply set the sep parameter to "," to indicate the comma as the delimiter.

# Read TXT files using read.table()
data <- read.table("C:/data/mtcars.txt")

Yields below output.

Data Import in R

Using read.delim() function

The read.delim() function is a simpler and more efficient choice for reading tab-delimited files, such as TSV (tab-separated values) files and convert them into a data frame.

It basically operates like read.table() but is configured with defaults for this file type:

Delimiter: Default is sep = "\t" (Tab character), it is suitable for tab-separated data.

Header: Defaults to header = TRUE, where the first row is always taken as a column name.

# Read TXT files using read.delim()
data <- read.delim("C:/data/mtcars.txt")

Yields below output.

Data Import in R

Import Data from JSON File in R

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) files are popular for web data and APIs. The rjson or jsonlite packages allow you to read JSON files and convert them into data frames or lists.

Using the rjson Package

The rjson package is useful for simple tasks like reading or writing JSON files. However, it may not handle large datasets efficiently. Here’s how to install and use it.


  1. Install and load the rjson package:

# Install rjson package

# Load the rjson package

2. Reading JSON Data from a File:

Create a JSON file by copying the below data into a text editor like Notepad. Save the file with a .json extension and choose the file type as all files(*.*).

Data Import in R

3. Use the fromJSON() function to read the file:

You can read a JSON file using the fromJSON() function by providing the file location as an argument.

# Read JSON data from a file
# Give the input file name to the function.
json_data <- fromJSON("C:/data/empdata.json")
# Print the result
print("After importing JSON file into R:")

Yields below output.

Data Import in R

Using jsonlite Package

Alternatively, you can use the jsonlite package to load JSON data into R. It is more versatile and efficiently handles nested JSON structures. Here’s how to use it.


1. Install and load the jsonlite package:


2. Read the JSON File:

You can load a JSON file using the fromJSON() function by passing the file location as an argument.

# Read JSON data from a file
json_data <- fromJSON("C:/data/empdata.json")
# Print the result
print("After importing JSON file into R:")

Convert to Data Frame

Once the JSON data is imported into the R environment, you can convert it into a data frame for further analysis. To do this, simply use the as.data.frame() function.

# Convert JSON file into data frame
df <- as.data.frame(json_data)
print("After converting JSON data into data frame:")

Import HTML Data (Web Scraping)

To read an HTML file into R, you can use the rvest package, which is commonly used for web scraping and parsing HTML files. Here’s a step-by-step guide on reading and extracting content from an HTML file using R.

Install the rvest Package

# Install rvest package

Load the rvest Library

# Load rvest library

Read the HTML File into R

Assuming you have the HTML file saved locally (for example, htmldata.html), use read_html() to read it into R.

Data Import in R

# Read html data from a file
# Replace with the path to your local HTML file
html_path <- "C:/data/htmldata.html"

# Read the HTML file
html_content <- read_html(html_path)

Yields below output.

Data Import in R

Extract Data from the HTML File

Now that the file is read, you can extract elements like the title, headings, paragraphs, etc.

Extract the Title:

# Extract the Title
title <- html_content %>% html_node("title") %>% html_text()

# Output:
# [1] "My First HTML Page"

Extract Headings (h1):

# Extract Headings (h1)
heading <- html_content %>% html_node("h1") %>% html_text()

# Output:
# [1] "Welcome to My Website"

Extract Paragraphs (p):

# Extract Paragraphs (p):
paragraph <- html_content %>% html_node("p") %>% html_text()

# Output:
# [1] "This is a paragraph."

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) of Import Data in R

What is the fastest way to import large CSV files in R?

The data.table package with its fread() function is generally the fastest option, particularly for datasets with millions of rows.

How can I read Excel files in R without Java?

Both readxl and openxlsx are convenient and fast for reading Excel files, as they do not require Java or other external dependencies.

How do I handle JSON data efficiently in R?

For complex JSON data, consider using the jsonlite package, which is optimized for more advanced data structures.

What is the difference between read.table() and read.delim() in R?

Both functions read tabular data into R as data frames, but they differ in their default settings: read.table(): A general-purpose function with flexible arguments; does not assume any specific delimiter by default.
read.delim(): A wrapper for read.table() specifically for reading tab-delimited files (like TSV files). It has defaults set for sep = "\t" (tab separator) and header = TRUE (column headers included).


In this article, I have explained how to efficiently import data from various file formats into R. By using specialized packages like readr, data.table, readxl, openxlsx, rjson, and rvest, you can handle large datasets quickly and with less memory. Adopting these practices will streamline your data import process, setting a strong foundation for analysis in R.

Additional Tips for Efficient Data Import in R

  • Use set.seed() for reproducibility when working with random samples.
  • Apply data transformation functions immediately after import to avoid large intermediate datasets.
  • Consider parallel processing for extremely large files or multiple imports.

Happy learning!!
