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You are currently viewing How to Add Elements to a List using Loop in R

In R, you can add elements to a list using a for loop in multiple ways. Adding elements to a list using a loop is a fundamental operation, allowing for dynamic updates and customization. The for loop, one of the most commonly used loops in R, proves particularly useful in this context.


In this article, I will explain different methods of adding elements to a list within a for loop, covering scenarios like creating an empty list, appending to an existing list, incorporating character elements, using custom functions, handling various data types, and even employing a while loop.

Key points-

  • By creating an empty list with the built-in list() function. This helps to store the elements that will be added during the loop.
  • Inside the loop, use double square brackets ([[ ]]) to index the list and assign values to specific positions. This is how you add new elements to the list.
  • Use a for loop to iterate over a sequence of values. The loop variable indicates the position or index in the list where the new element will be added.
  • Define the logic within the loop for generating the elements that will be added to the list. This can involve calculations, data manipulation, or any other operations specific to your use case.
  • After the loop completes, consider printing or otherwise inspecting the resulting list. This step helps ensure that the elements have been added correctly and that the list contains the desired information.

Add Elements to a List Using a For loop

You can use a for loop to add elements to a list in R, first create an empty list using the list() function. Then, use the for loop to add a specified range of numbers to the empty list. During each iteration of the loop, an element will be added to the empty list until the loop ends.

# Add elements to an empty list using for loop
# Create empty list
my_list <- list()

for (i in 1:5) {
  my_list[[i]] <- i^2

Yields below output. This for loop iterates over the numbers from 1 to 5 (specified by 1:5). In each iteration, it calculates the square of i using i^2 and assigns that value to the i in my_list. The double square bracket notations ([[ ]]) are used to index into the list.

After completing the loop, the given empty list my_list will be [1, 4, 9, 16, 25], as it contains the squares of numbers from 1 to 5.

add elements to list in loop r

Add New Elements to the Existing List using For Loop in R

To add new elements at the end of the existing list within a for loop. First, create a list of elements using the list() function. Then you can iterate over the specified range of indexes using the for loop, and use these indexes to calculate the values that we want to append. For each iteration, values are added to the end of the list using its index positions. After completing the loop list contains the new values at the end of itself.

Let’s apply the for loop and update the existing list.

# Add new elements to the existing list using for loop
# Create a list
my_list <- list(1, 4, 9, 16, 25)

for(i in 6:10) {                                  
  new_element <- i^2                         
  my_list[[length(my_list) + 1]] <- new_element 

Yields below output.

  1. my_list =: Initializes an empty list named my_list.
  2. for (i in 6:10) {: Iterates over values of i from 6 to 10 (inclusive).
  3. Inside the loop:
    • new_element <- i^2: Calculates the square of the current value of i and assigns it to the variable new_element.
    • my_list[[length(my_list) + 1]] <- new_element: Appends new_element to the end of the my_list. The length(my_list) + 1 ensures that the new element is added to the next position in the list.
  4. }: Closes the for loop.

After the loop completes, my_list will contain the squared values of 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 in that order.

add elements to list in loop r

Add Character Elements using a for loop

Alternatively, You can add character elements to the list using a for loop. Here, you can create a character vector using a vector and you can fix the range of sequence using the length of the given vector within a for loop. For each iteration, it iterates the values in the sequence and uses these values to append the corresponding character element to the given list. Finally, it returns the new list with character elements.

# Add strings to list using for loop
my_list <- list()

technology <- c("Python", "Pandas", "R", "Spark", "PySprak")

for (i in 1:length(technology)) {
  my_list[[i]] <- technology[i]

Yields below output.

# Output:

[1] "Python"

[1] "Pandas"

[1] "R"

[1] "Spark"

[1] "PySprak"

Using a For Loop with a Custom Function to Add Elements to List

Similarly, you can use a for loop with a generate function of R to generate elements and add them to the list. First, define a function and generate the elements that use a for loop to generate a list of elements.

# Use Custom function to generate elements and
# add to list
generate_element <- function(x) {
  return(x ^ 2)

for (i in 1:5) {
  my_list[[i]] <- generate_element(i)


Yields below output.

  1. generate_element <- function(x) { return(x * 3) }: This line defines a function named generate_element that takes one argument x and returns the result of multiplying x by 3.
  2. my_list <- list(): This line initializes an empty list called my_list, which will later store the results of applying the generate_element function.
  3. for (i in 1:5) { my_list[[i]] <- generate_element(i) }: Iterates the numbers from 1 to 5. In each iteration, it calls the generate_element function with the current value of i and assigns the result to the i-th element of my_list. Therefore, my_list becomes a list containing the elements [generate_element(1), generate_element(2), generate_element(3), generate_element(4), generate_element(5)].
  4. Finally, print(my_list): This line prints the content of the my_list to the console.

# Output:
[1] 1

[1] 4

[1] 9

[1] 16

[1] 25

Using a For loop with Different Data Types

You can also add different types of elements to the list within a for loop. For the first, create an empty list and a vector of different types of objects and then iterate a specified range of sequences using a for loop. Finally, add elements to the empty list using its corresponding indexes.

# Add different types of elements to list.
my_list <- list()

data <- list(42, "hello", TRUE, c(1, 2, 3), matrix(1:6, nrow = 2))

for (i in 1:length(data)) {
  my_list[[i]] <- data[[i]]

Yields below output.

# Output:
[1] 42

[1] "hello"

[1] TRUE

[1] 1 2 3

     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1    3    5
[2,]    2    4    6

Using a While loop with a Condition

So far, we have learned how to add elements to the list in multiple approaches using a for loop. Now we will learn how to add elements to the using while loop in R. Let’s apply the while loop to an empty list to update the existing list by adding the elements.

# Using while loop add elements to list
my_list <- list()
i <- 1
while (i <= 5) {
  my_list <- c(my_list, list(paste("Element", i)))
  i <- i + 1

Yields below output.

  1. my_list <- list(): Initializes an empty list named my_list.
  2. i <- 1: Initializes a variable i with the value 1. This is a counter in the while loop.
  3. while (i <= 5) { ... }: Begins a while loop that runs as long as the condition i <= 5 is true.
  4. my_list <- c(my_list, list(paste("Element", i))): Inside the while loop, a new list is created with the list(paste("Element", i)) syntax, where Element is concatenated with the current value of ‘i’. Using the function, this new list is then concatenated to the existing my_list.
  5. i <- i + 1: Increments the value of i by 1 in each iteration, ensuring that the while loop progresses.
  6. The loop continues until ‘i’ is no longer less than or equal to 5.
  7. print(my_list): Finally, the content of my_list is printed, showing the result after the while loop has been completed.

# Output:
[1] "Item 1"

[1] "Item 2"

[1] "Item 3"

[1] "Item 4"

[1] "Item 5"


In this article, I have explained that effectively using for loops to add elements to lists in R provides a powerful mechanism for dynamic data manipulation. Whether creating lists, updating existing ones, handling different data types, or employing while loops for flexibility, these techniques offer versatility in managing and customizing lists. Understanding these methods is essential for any R programmer looking to efficiently work with dynamic datasets and manipulate lists in their code.

Happy learning!!