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How to remove the last character from a string in Python? String manipulation is indeed one of the most important features of Python, and knowing various methods to manipulate strings is essential for any Python programmer. As you mentioned, there are multiple ways to remove the last character from a string in Python, and some of the common methods include.


You can remove the last character from a string using many ways, for example, by using positive index slicing, negative index slicing, rstrip(), for loop, list comprehension & join(), regex, list(), pop(), and join() functions. In this article, I will explain how to remove the last character from a string by using all these functions with examples.

Related: In Python, you can remove a specific character or remove multiple characters from a string, and you can remove specifically the first character of a string in Python.

1. Quick Examples of Removing Last Character from String

If you are in a hurry, below are some quick examples of removing the last character from a string.

# Quick examples of removing last character from string

# Initialize the string 
string = "welcome to sparkbyexamples"

# Example 1: Using Positive index by slicing
result = string[:len(string)-1]

# Example 2: Using negative index by slicing
result = string[:-1]

# Example 3: Using rstrip() function 
result = string.rstrip(string[-1])

# Example 4: Using for loop and extra space
result = ""
for i in range(len(string)-1):
    result += string[i]

# Example 5: Using list comprehension and join method
result = "".join([string[i] for i in range(len(string)-1)])

# Example 6: Using regex 
def reg(m):
result = re.sub("(.*)(.{1}$)", reg, string)

# Example 7: Using list(),pop() and join() methods
char_list = list(string)
result = "".join(char_list)

2. Remove the Last Character of String Using a Slicing

You can remove the last character from the string using positive index slicing. For example, first, the string variable is initialized with the value "welcome to sparkbyexamples". The result variable is assigned the value of the string with the last character removed. This is done by slicing the string using positive indexing from the beginning (index 0) up to the second-to-last character (index len(string)-1). The len(string) function returns the length of the string, and by subtracting, you effectively exclude the last character from the slice.

# Initialize the string 
string = "welcome to sparkbyexamples"
print("Original string:",string)

# Using Positive index by slicing
result = string[:len(string)-1]
print("The string after removing last character:", result)

Yields below output.

python remove last character string

The resulting string after removing the last character is printed, so the output will be, After removing the last character: welcome to sparkbyexample (without the final "s").

Related: In Python you can remove numbers from a string and you can extract numbers from a string.

3. Using a Negative Slicing

Similarly, You can use negative index slicing to remove the last character from the string. For example, first, the string variable is initialized with the value "welcome to sparkbyexamples".

The result variable is assigned the value of the string with the last character removed. This is done by slicing the string using negative indexing. When you use it string[:-1], it means to slice the string from the beginning (index 0) up to, but not including, the last character (index -1). In Python, negative indices count from the end of the string, with -1 being the index of the last character.

# Initialize the string
string = "welcome to sparkbyexamples"
print("Original string:",string)

# Using negative index by slicing
result = string[:-1]
print("The string after removing last character:", result)

Yields the same output as above.

4. Remove the Last Character from the String Using rstrip() Function

To remove the last element from the string use the rstrip() function. You can use this function to remove a specific character or a set of characters from the end of the string. In this case, you can use it to remove the last character from the string.

In the below example, first, the string variable is initialized with the value "welcome to sparkbyexamples". You use the string[-1] expression to get the last character of the string (in this case, 's'). This function removes all occurrences of the last character from the end of the string. Since 's' is the last character, it will remove all trailing ‘s’ characters.

# Initialize the string
string = "welcome to sparkbyexamples"
print("Original string:", string)

# Using rstrip() function 
# Remove the last character
result = string.rstrip(string[-1])
print("The string after removing last character:", result)

Yields the same output as above.

5. Using For Loop and Extra Space

To remove the last character from the string use a for loop. For example, first, the string variable is initialized with the value "welcome to sparkbyexamples".

Here, the for loop iterates over the indices of the string from 0 to len(string)-1, which effectively excludes the last character (i.e., len(string)-1 index). Inside the loop, the code result+ = string[i] appends each character (except the last one) to the result string, effectively removing the last character from the original string.

# Initialize the string
string = "welcome to sparkbyexamples"
print("Original string:", string)

# Using for loop and extra space
# Remove last character 
result = ""
for i in range(len(string)-1):
    result += string[i]
print("The string after removing last character:", result)

Yields the same output as above.

6. Using List Comprehension and join() Method

You can use list comprehension along with the join() method to remove the last character from the string. Here, [string[i] for i in range(len(string)-1)] is a list comprehension that iterates over each character of the original string except the last one. It creates a new list containing all characters except the last one. Then, "".join(…) joins all the characters in the list back together into a single string. The empty string "" is used as the separator between characters in the join method, effectively concatenating them.

# Initialize the string
string = "welcome to sparkbyexamples"
print("Original string:", string)

# Remove last character 
# Using list comprehension and join method
result = "".join([string[i] for i in range(len(string)-1)])
print("The string after removing last character:", result)

Yields the same output as above.

7. Remove the Last Character from the string Using regex

You can also use the re.sub() function from the re module in Python to remove the last element from a string. The reg function is defined to be used as the replacement function in the re.sub() method. The purpose of this function is to return only the matched group 1 from the regular expression pattern.

Here, the re.sub() function is used to perform the replacement based on the regular expression pattern. The regular expression "(.)(.{1}$)" consists of two groups. (.), this matches any number of characters (greedy match) and captures them in group 1. (.{1}), this matches exactly one character and captures it in group 2. $, asserts the position at the end of the string. The replacement function reg is applied to the matched pattern. Since the function returns, it effectively keeps only the characters matched in group 1, excluding the last character (which was captured in group 2). The re.sub() function replaces the matched pattern with the value returned by the reg function, effectively removing the last character from the string.

import re

# Initialize the string
string = "welcome to sparkbyexamples"
print("Original string:", string)

def reg(m):

# Remove last character from string
# Using regex 
result = re.sub("(.*)(.{1}$)", reg, string)
print("The string after removing last character:", result)

Yields the same output as above.

8. Using list(), pop() and join() Methods

You can remove the last character from a string using the list(), pop(), and join() methods in Python. For example, first, the string variable is initialized with the value "welcome to sparkbyexamples". The list() function is used to convert the string string into a list of individual characters. This step allows us to manipulate the characters since strings are immutable in Python.

You can remove the last character from the list using the pop() method. This method without any arguments removes the last element from the list. Finally, you convert the modified list back to a string using the join() method. The join() method joins the characters in the list using an empty string "" as the separator, effectively creating a string without the last character.

# Initialize the string
string = "welcome to sparkbyexamples"
print("Original string:", string)

# Convert the string to a list of characters
char_list = list(string)

# Remove the last character using pop()

# Convert the list back to a string using join()
result = "".join(char_list)
print("The string after removing last character:", result)

Yields the same output as above.


In this article, I have explained how to remove the last character from a string in Python by using positive index slicing, negative index slicing, rstrip(), for loop, list comprehension & join(), regex, list(), pop() and join() functions with examples.

Happy Learning !!