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How to Parse a String in Python? Parsing a string in Python involves extracting specific information or patterns from a given string. Several techniques and tools are available for string parsing, including string methods, regular expressions, and parsing libraries.


You can parse a string in many ways, for example, by using partition(), split(), and regular expressions. In this article, I will explain how to parse a string by using all these functions with examples.

1. Quick Examples of Parsing a String

If you are in a hurry, below are some quick examples of how to parse a string.

# Quick examples of parse a string

import re

# Initialize the string
string = "Welcome, to, SparkByExamples"

# Example 1: Using Partition() method
# String parsing
result = string.partition(",")

# Example 2: Using Partition() method
first, delimiter, rest = string.partition(",") 

# Example 3: Using split() method
# Parse the string
split_string = string.split(",") 

# Example 4: Using split() method 
split_string = string.split(",", 1)

# Example 5: Using Regular Expressions
# String Parsing 
pattern = r'\b\d+\b'
match =, string)
if match:
    print("Pattern not found")

# Example 6: Using re.findall() method
pattern = r'\b\w+\b'  
string = "Welcome to SparkByExamples"
result = re.findall(pattern, string)

2. Parsing a String Using Partition() Method

The partition() method is used to split a string into three parts based on a specified separator. It returns a tuple containing three elements: the part before the separator, the separator itself, and the part after the separator.

In the below example, the string is split at the first occurrence of the comma (","). The result is a tuple with the first part being "Welcome", the separator being ",", and the remaining part being "to, SparkByExamples".

# Initialize the string
string = "Welcome, to, SparkByExamples"
print("Original string:\n", string)

# Using Partition() method
# parse the string
result = string.partition(",")
print("After parsing a string:\n", result)

Yields below output.

python parse string

To use the partition() method to split the string based on the specified delimiter (',' in this case). This method splits the string into three parts: The part before the first occurrence of the delimiter (first in your code). The delimiter itself (delimiter in your code). The part after the first occurrence of the delimiter (rest in your code).

In the below example, the partition() method splits the original string at the first occurrence of the comma (,), resulting in the first part being "Welcome" the delimiter being a comma (,), and the rest of the string being "to, SparkByExamples".

# Initialize the string
string = "Welcome, to, SparkByExamples"
print("Original string:", string)

# Using Partition() method
first, delimiter, rest = string.partition(",") 
print("First element:", first)
print("Delimiter:", delimiter)
print("Rest of the string:", rest)

Yields below output.

python parse string

3. String Parsing Using Split() Method

Alternatively, you can use the split() method in Python to parse a string and get a list of substrings based on a specified delimiter.

In this program, the split() method splits the original string into a list of substrings for every presence of a comma (','). Here, this method divides the string into substrings based on the commas, creating a list split_string containing the individual elements. You can access these elements using index notation, for example, split_string[0] would give you 'Welcome'.

# Initialize the string
string = "Welcome, to, SparkByExamples"
print("Original string:", string)

# Using split() method to parse the string
split_string = string.split(",") 
print("After parsing a string:\n", split_string)

# Output:
# Original string: Welcome, to, SparkByExamples
# After parsing a string: ['Welcome', ' to', ' SparkByExamples']

Similarly, you can also use the split() method with the maxsplit parameter to parse a string. The maxsplit parameter specifies the maximum number of splits to be done. In this case, you can set maxsplit it as 1 means the string will be split into two parts at the first occurrence of the comma (',').

In the below example, the split() method splits the original string into two parts. 'Welcome': The part before the first comma. 'to, SparkByExamples': The part after the first comma, including the remaining string. The resulting split_string list contains these two elements. This behavior is consistent with the use of the maxsplit parameter set to 1.

# Initialize the string
string = "Welcome, to, SparkByExamples"
print("Original string:", string)

# Using split() method 
split_string = string.split(",", 1)
print("After parsing a string:\n", split_string)

# Output:
# Original string: Welcome, to, SparkByExamples
# After parsing a string: ['Welcome', ' to, SparkByExamples']

4. String Parsing Using Regular Expressions

Similarly, you can use regular expressions to parse a string. To find the first occurrence of one or more digits surrounded by word boundaries (\b\d+\b) in the given string using the function. However, there are no digits in the given string (“Welcome, to, SparkByExamples”) that are surrounded by word boundaries.

The pattern \b\d+\b looks for word boundaries (\b) before and after one or more digits (\d+). Since there are no such occurrences in the input string, the pattern does not match, and “Pattern not found” is printed.

import re

# Initialize the string  
string = "Welcome, to, SparkByExamples"

# Using Regular Expressions
# String Parsing 
pattern = r'\b\d+\b'
match =, string)

if match:
    print("Pattern not found")

# Output:
# Pattern not found

You can use re.findall() to find all occurrences of a pattern in a string. For instance, the pattern \b\w+\b is used to match words. \b represents word boundaries, and \w+ matches one or more word characters (letters, digits, or underscores).

import re

# Using re.findall() method
pattern = r'\b\w+\b'  
string = "Welcome to SparkByExamples"
result = re.findall(pattern, string)
print("After parsing a string:\n", result)

# Output:
# After parsing a string: ['Welcome', 'to', 'SparkByExamples']


In this article, I have explained multiple ways of parsing a string in Python using Partition(), split(), and regular expressions with examples.

Happy Learning !!