How to get line count of a large file efficiently in Python? Working with large files is an important operation in data processing and analysis. Python offers different methods to tackle this task, each method suited to different file sizes and memory constraints.


Getting the number of lines in Massive log files or extensive CSV datasets may be a very time expensive. In this article, we will discuss different methods for counting lines in large files

1. Quick Examples – Get Line Count of a Large File

These examples will provide you with a high-level overview of what we will be discussing in more detail later in this article. We’ll explore different techniques for counting lines in large files, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

# Example 1: Using sum() to count lines in a large file
with open('large_file.txt') as file:
    line_count = sum(1 for line in file)
print("Method 1 - Using sum():", line_count)

# Example 2: Using islice() to count lines efficiently
from itertools import islice
with open('large_file.txt') as file:
    line_count = sum(1 for line in islice(file, 0, None))
print("Method 2 - Using islice():", line_count)

# Example 3: Counting lines using the fileinput module
import fileinput

line_count = 0
for line in fileinput.input('large_file.txt'):
    line_count += 1

print("Total lines in the file:", line_count)

2. sum() – Get Line Count of a Large File

The sum() method is straightforward and concise, making it a good choice when memory usage is not a significant concern. Using sum() to count lines in a file takes advantage of Python’s ability to treat file objects as iterators.

When you iterate over a file object, Python reads the file one line at a time, without loading the entire file into memory. By wrapping the file object in a generator expression and passing it to sum(), we can efficiently count the lines.

# Common Syntax
with open('large_file.txt') as file:
    line_count = sum(1 for line in file)

This method is memory-efficient for most large files, extremely massive files may still consume a significant amount of memory due to the generator expression. But his approach is designed for text files. If you need to count lines in binary files, you’ll need a different solution.

It doesn’t load the entire file into memory, making it suitable for large files. However in some cases, memory usage can be substantial for very large files.

Let’s demonstrate how to use sum() to count lines in a large file. Suppose we have a file named large_file.txt with the following content:

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 1,000,000

We can count the lines using the following Python code:

# Count line of 'large_file.txt' with sum()
with open('large_file.txt') as file:
    line_count = sum(1 for line in file)

print("Total lines in the file:", line_count)

3. Get Line Count of a large file Using islice()

Unlike the sum() method, which reads the entire file, islice() allows you to process the file in smaller chunks, which can be is useful when dealing with extremely large files.

islice() is part of the itertools module and allows you to slice an iterable (like a file object) by specifying start and stop indices. By setting the start index to 1 (to skip the header line) and the stop index to None, we can iterate over the entire file efficiently:

# Use itertools to find line count
from itertools import islice

with open('large_file.txt') as file:
    line_count = sum(1 for _ in islice(file, 1, None))

print("Total lines in the file:", line_count)

While islice() reduces memory usage compared to reading the entire file, it still requires memory proportional to the size of the slice. Extremely large slices may consume a lot of memory.

4. fileinput() Module – Get Line Count of a File

The fileinput module provides an elegant way to count lines in large files without consuming excessive memory or disk space. The fileinput module simplifies reading lines from one or more input files. It is often used to process large files by reading them line by line.

To count lines using fileinput, you can iterate through the file and increment a counter for each line. See the below code example:

# Use the fileinput module
import fileinput

line_count = 0
for line in fileinput.input('large_file.txt'):
    line_count += 1

print("Total lines in the file:", line_count)

fileinput processes files line by line, so it has a low memory footprint, making it suitable for large files. You can process multiple files in one go by providing a list of filenames as input, which can be handy for batch processing.

5. Find the Line Count of a Large File Using Shell

The os.popen() module allows you to execute shell commands from within Python and capture their output. To count lines using this method, you can utilize standard shell commands such as find option to count lines in a file. Here’s an example of how to do it:

# Using the shell to find line count
import os

file_name = 'large_file.txt'
command = f"find /c /v \"\" {file_name}"
output = os.popen(command).read()
line_count = int(output.strip().split()[-1])

print("Total lines in the file:", line_count)

Using the os.popen() module relies on external shell commands, which might not be available or behave differently on all systems.

6. Using the mmap Module

The mmap module in Python allows you to work with memory-mapped files, providing an efficient way to access and manipulate large files. Memory-mapped files allow you to map a file directly into memory, enabling you to access its contents as if it were a mutable string.

This can significantly improve the performance when working with large files. To count lines using the mmap module, you can map the file into memory and then iterate through it, counting line breaks.

# Using the mmap module
import mmap

file_name = 'large_file.txt'

with open(file_name, 'rb') as f:
    mmapped_file = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)

line_count = 0
while True:
    line = mmapped_file.readline()
    if not line:
    line_count += 1

print("Total lines in the file:", line_count)

7. Splitting the File and Parallel Processing (with threading)

In situations where you’re dealing with extremely large files (over 1 GB) and you want to efficiently count the number of lines, you can employ a parallel processing approach by splitting the file into smaller chunks and processing them simultaneously using Python’s threading module.

This method takes advantage of multi-core processors to speed up the line counting process. Below is a step-by-step explanation and a code example to demonstrate this technique:

  • Split the large file into multiple smaller sections, each of manageable size.
  • Create a pool of worker threads using Python’s threading module.
  • Each thread will be responsible for counting lines in one of the smaller file sections.
  • Assign each worker thread to process one of the smaller file sections concurrently.
  • Collect the line counts calculated by each worker thread and sum them up to get the total line count for the entire file.

# Using threading module
import threading

def count_lines_in_chunk(chunk):
    line_count = 0
    for line in chunk:
        line_count += 1
    return line_count

def main():
    file_name = 'large_file.txt'
    chunk_size = 100  # Specify your chunk size (adjust as needed)

    # Open the large file for reading
    with open(file_name, 'r') as file:
        chunks = []
        line_counts = []  # Store line counts for each chunk

        while True:
            chunk = []
            for _ in range(chunk_size):
                line = file.readline()
                if not line:
                    break  # End of file

            if not chunk:
                break  # End of file


        # Create worker threads and count lines in parallel
        threads = []
        for chunk in chunks:
            thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda c=chunk: line_counts.append(count_lines_in_chunk(c)))

        # Wait for all threads to complete
        for thread in threads:

        # Calculate the total line count
        total_line_count = sum(line_counts)
        print(f'Total line count: {total_line_count}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

8. Which Method should You use

See the below comparison table that outlines the recommended methods for counting lines in large files based on specific use cases and file sizes:

Use CaseFile SizeRecommended Method
Small to Medium FilesUp to 100 MBUtilizing a Line Iterator
Large Files100 MB to 1 GBMemory Mapping with mmap
Extremely Large FilesOver 1 GBSplitting the File and Parallel Processing (with threading)
Comparison Table

This table provides guidance on selecting the appropriate method based on your use case and the size of the file you need to process.

Summary and Conclusion

In this article, we have discussed various methods to efficiently count lines in large files using Python. We have discussed different methods for different file sizes. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments section below.

Happy Coding!

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