You are currently viewing Pyspark – Get substring() from a column

The PySpark substring() function extracts a portion of a string column in a DataFrame. It takes three parameters: the column containing the string, the starting index of the substring (1-based), and optionally, the length of the substring. If the length is not specified, the function extracts from the starting index to the end of the string.


This function is useful for text manipulation tasks such as extracting substrings based on position within a string column. It operates similarly to the SUBSTRING() function in SQL and enables efficient string processing within PySpark DataFrames.

In this tutorial, I have explained with an example of getting substring of a column using substring() from pyspark.sql.functions and using substr() from pyspark.sql.Column type.

PySpark substring()

The substring() function is from pyspark.sql.functions module hence, to use this function, first you need to import this. Following is the syntax.

substring(str, pos, len)


  • str: The name of the column containing the string from which you want to extract a substring.
  • pos: The starting position of the substring. This is a 1-based index, meaning the first character in the string is at position 1.
  • len: (Optional) The number of characters to extract. If not specified, the substring extends from the pos position to the end of the string.

The following example demonstrates using substring() with withColumn().

# Imports
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession 
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, substring


# Create Sample Data
data = [(1,"20200828"),(2,"20180525")]

# Using substring()
df.withColumn('year', substring('date', 1,4))\
    .withColumn('month', substring('date', 5,2))\
    .withColumn('day', substring('date', 7,2))

In the example above, we’ve created a DataFrame with two columns: id and date. The date column is formatted as “year month day”. We used the substring() function on the date column to extract the year, month, and day as separate substrings. Below is the output.

# Output
|id |date    |year|month|day|
|1  |20200828|2020|08   |28 |
|2  |20180525|2018|05   |25 |

2. Using substring() with select()

In Pyspark, we can also get the substring() of a column using select(). The above example can be written as follows.

# substring() with select()'date', substring('date', 1,4).alias('year'), \
                  substring('date', 5,2).alias('month'), \
                  substring('date', 7,2).alias('day'))  

3. Using substring() with selectExpr()

Sample example using selectExpr() to get a substring of column(date) as year, month, day. Below is the code that gives the same output as above.

# substring() with selectExpr()
df.selectExpr('date', 'substring(date, 1,4) as year', \
                  'substring(date, 5,2) as month', \
                 'substring(date, 7,2) as day')

4. Using substr() from Column type

Below is the example of getting substring using substr() function from pyspark.sql.Column type in Pyspark.

# Using substr()
df3=df.withColumn('year', col('date').substr(1, 4))\
  .withColumn('month',col('date').substr(5, 2))\
  .withColumn('day', col('date').substr(7, 2))

The above example gives output the same as the above-mentioned examples.

Complete Example of PySpark substring()

import pyspark
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession 
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, substring
data = [(1,"20200828"),(2,"20180525")]

#Using SQL function substring()
df.withColumn('year', substring('date', 1,4))\
    .withColumn('month', substring('date', 5,2))\
    .withColumn('day', substring('date', 7,2))

#Using select'date', substring('date', 1,4).alias('year'), \
                  substring('date', 5,2).alias('month'), \
                  substring('date', 7,2).alias('day'))
#Using with selectExpr
df2=df.selectExpr('date', 'substring(date, 1,4) as year', \
                  'substring(date, 5,2) as month', \
                  'substring(date, 7,2) as day')

#Using substr from Column type
df3=df.withColumn('year', col('date').substr(1, 4))\
  .withColumn('month',col('date').substr(5, 2))\
  .withColumn('day', col('date').substr(7, 2))


In this session, we have learned different ways of getting substring of a column in PySpark DataFarme. I hope you liked it! Keep practicing. And do comment in the comment section for any kind of questions!!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. NNK

    Thanks Giri.

  2. Giri

    Good work

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