Reading CSV files into a structured DataFrame becomes easy and efficient with PySpark DataFrame API. By leveraging PySpark’s distributed computing model, users can process massive CSV datasets with lightning speed, unlocking valuable insights and accelerating decision-making processes. Whether you’re working with gigabytes or petabytes of data, PySpark’s CSV file integration offers a flexible and scalable approach to data analysis, empowering organizations to harness the full potential of their data assets
To read a CSV file into PySpark DataFrame use csv("path")
from DataFrameReader
. This article explores the process of reading single files, multiple files, or all files from a local directory into a DataFrame using PySpark.
Key Points:
- PySpark supports reading a CSV file with a pipe, comma, tab, space, or any other delimiter/separator files.
- PySpark reads CSV files in parallel, leveraging multiple executor nodes to accelerate data ingestion.
- PySpark can automatically infer the schema of CSV files, eliminating the need for manual schema definition in many cases.
- Users have the flexibility to define custom schemas for CSV files, specifying data types and column names as needed.
- PySpark offers options for handling headers in CSV files, allowing users to skip headers or treat them as data rows.
- Provides robust error handling mechanisms for dealing with malformed or corrupted CSV files, ensuring data integrity.
Table of contents:
- Read CSV file into PySpark DataFrame
- Options while reading CSV file
- Read CSV files with a user-specified schema
- Applying DataFrame transformations
- Save DataFrame to a CSV file
1. PySpark Read CSV File into DataFrame
By utilizing DataFrameReader.csv("path")
or format("csv").load("path")
methods, you can read a CSV file into a PySpark DataFrame. These methods accept a file path as their parameter. When using the format(“csv”) approach, you should specify data sources like csv
or org.apache.spark.sql.csv
Refer to dataset zipcodes.csv at GitHub
# Import
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
# Create SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local[1]")
# Read CSV File
df ="/path/zipcodes.csv")
Alternatively, you can use the format().load()
# Using format().load()
df ="csv")
# or
df ="org.apache.spark.sql.csv")
This example reads the data into DataFrame columns "_c0"
for the first column and "_c1"
for the second and so on. and by default data type for all these columns is treated as String.
# Output:
|-- _c0: string (nullable = true)
|-- _c1: string (nullable = true)
|-- _c2: string (nullable = true)
1.1 Using Header Record For Column Names
If you have a header with column names on your input file, you need to explicitly specify True
for header option using option("header",True)
not mentioning this, the API treats header as a data record.
# Use header record for column names
df2 ="header",True) \
As mentioned earlier, PySpark reads all columns as a string (StringType) by default. I will explain in later sections on how to read the schema (inferschema
) from the header record and derive the column type based on the data.
1.2 Read Multiple CSV Files
To read multiple CSV files into a PySpark DataFrame, each separated by a comma, you can create a list of file paths and pass it to the
# Read multiple CSV files
df ="path/file1.csv,path/file2.csv,path/file3.csv")
1.3 Read all CSV Files from a Directory
To read all CSV files from a directory, specify the directory path as an argument to the csv() method.
# Read all files from a directory
df ="Folder path")
2. Reading CSV File Options
PySpark CSV dataset provides multiple options to work with CSV files. Below are some of the most important options explained with examples.
You can either chain option() to use multiple options or use the alternate options() method.
# Syntax
option(self, key, value) # Using single options
options(self, **options) # Using multiple options
2.1 delimiter
option is used to specify the column delimiter of the CSV file. By default, it is comma (,) character, but can be set to any character like pipe(|), tab (\t), space using this option.
# Using delimiter option
df3 =',') \
2.2 inferSchema
The default value set to this option is False
when setting to true
it automatically infers column types based on the data. Note that, it requires reading the data one more time to infer the schema.
# Using inferschema and delimiter
df4 ='True',delimiter=',') \
Using options with key-value pair.
# Define read options
options = {
"inferSchema": "True",
"delimiter": ","
# Read a CSV file with specified options
df4 =**options).csv("/path/zipcodes.csv")
Alternatively, you can also write this by chaining option()
# Chaining multiple options
df4 ="inferSchema",True) \
.option("delimiter",",") \
2.3 header
This option is used to read the first line of the CSV file as column names. By default the value of this option is False
, and all column types are assumed to be a string.
# Using header option
df3 ='True', inferSchema='True', delimiter=',') \
When you have a column with a delimiter that used to split the columns, use quotes
option to specify the quote character, by default it is ” and delimiters inside quotes are ignored. but using this option you can set any character.
2.5 nullValues
Using nullValues
option you can specify the string in a CSV to consider as null. For example, if you want to consider a date column with a value "1900-01-01"
set null on DataFrame.
2.6 dateFormat
option to used to set the format of the input DateType and TimestampType columns. Supports all java.text.SimpleDateFormat
Note: Besides the above options, PySpark CSV API also supports many other options, please refer to this article for details.
3. Specify Custom Schema
Reading CSV files with a user-specified custom schema in PySpark involves defining the schema explicitly before loading the data. You can define the schema for the CSV file by specifying the column names and data types using the StructType and StructField classes. These are from the pyspark.sql.types module
# Imports
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType,StructField, StringType, IntegerType
from pyspark.sql.types import ArrayType, DoubleType, BooleanType
# Using custom schema
schema = StructType() \
.add("RecordNumber",IntegerType(),True) \
.add("Zipcode",IntegerType(),True) \
.add("ZipCodeType",StringType(),True) \
.add("City",StringType(),True) \
.add("State",StringType(),True) \
.add("LocationType",StringType(),True) \
.add("Lat",DoubleType(),True) \
.add("Long",DoubleType(),True) \
.add("Xaxis",IntegerType(),True) \
.add("Yaxis",DoubleType(),True) \
.add("Zaxis",DoubleType(),True) \
.add("WorldRegion",StringType(),True) \
.add("Country",StringType(),True) \
.add("LocationText",StringType(),True) \
.add("Location",StringType(),True) \
.add("Decommisioned",BooleanType(),True) \
.add("TaxReturnsFiled",StringType(),True) \
.add("EstimatedPopulation",IntegerType(),True) \
.add("TotalWages",IntegerType(),True) \
df_with_schema ="csv") \
.option("header", True) \
.schema(schema) \
Using a user-specified custom schema provides flexibility in handling CSV files with specific data types or column names, ensuring that the DataFrame accurately represents the data according to the user’s requirements.
4. DataFrame Transformations
PySpark DataFrame transformations involve applying various operations to manipulate the data within a DataFrame. These transformations include:
- Filtering: Selecting rows from the DataFrame based on specified conditions.
- Selecting Columns: Extracting specific columns from the DataFrame.
- Adding Columns: Creating new columns by performing computations or transformations on existing columns.
- Dropping Columns: Removing unnecessary columns from the DataFrame.
- Grouping and Aggregating: Grouping rows based on certain criteria and computing aggregate statistics, such as sum, average, count, etc., within each group.
- Sorting: Arranging the rows of the DataFrame in a specified order based on column values.
- Joining: Combining two DataFrames based on a common key or condition.
- Union: Concatenating two DataFrames vertically, adding rows from one DataFrame to another.
- Pivoting and Melting: Reshaping the DataFrame from long to wide format (pivoting) or from wide to long format (melting).
- Window Functions: Performing calculations over a sliding window of rows, such as computing moving averages or ranking.
5. Writing PySpark DataFrame to CSV file
To write a PySpark DataFrame to a CSV file, you can use the write.csv()
method provided by the DataFrame API. This method takes a path as an argument, where the CSV file will be saved. Optionally, you can specify additional parameters such as the delimiter, header inclusion, and whether to overwrite existing files. Here’s how you can do it:
# Save DataFrame to CSV File
df.write.option("header",True) \
option("header", True)
: This specifies an option for the write operation. In this case, it sets the header option to True, indicating that the CSV file should include a header row with column names.
5.1 Options
When writing a DataFrame to a CSV file in PySpark, you can specify various options to customize the output. These options can be set using the option()
method of the DataFrameWriter class. Here’s how to use write options with a CSV file:
# Using write options
df2.write.options(header='True', delimiter=',') \
Here are some commonly used options:
- header: Specifies whether to include a header row with column names in the CSV file. Example:
option("header", "true")
. - delimiter: Specifies the delimiter to use between fields in the CSV file. Example:
option("delimiter", ",")
. - quote: Specifies the character used for quoting fields in the CSV file. Example:
option("quote", "\"")
. - escape: Specifies the escape character used in the CSV file. Example:
option("escape", "\\")
. - nullValue: Specifies the string to represent null values in the CSV file. Example:
option("nullValue", "NA")
. - dateFormat: Specifies the date format to use for date columns. Example:
option("dateFormat", "yyyy-MM-dd")
. - mode: Specifies the write mode for the output. Options include “overwrite”, “append”, “ignore”, and “error”. Example:
option("mode", "overwrite")
. - compression: Specifies the compression codec to use for the output file. Example:
option("compression", "gzip")
5.2 Saving modes
You can specify different saving modes while writing PySpark DataFrame to disk. These saving modes specify how to write a file to disk.
– Overwrite the existing file if already exists.
– New rows are appended to the existing rows.
– When this option is used, it ignores the writing operation when the file already exists.
– This option returns an error when the file already exists. This is a default option.
# You can also use this
6. PySpark Read CSV Complete Example
import pyspark
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType,StructField, StringType, IntegerType
from pyspark.sql.types import ArrayType, DoubleType, BooleanType
from pyspark.sql.functions import col,array_contains
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('').getOrCreate()
df ="/tmp/resources/zipcodes.csv")
df2 ="header",True) \
df3 ='True', delimiter=',') \
schema = StructType() \
.add("RecordNumber",IntegerType(),True) \
.add("Zipcode",IntegerType(),True) \
.add("ZipCodeType",StringType(),True) \
.add("City",StringType(),True) \
.add("State",StringType(),True) \
.add("LocationType",StringType(),True) \
.add("Lat",DoubleType(),True) \
.add("Long",DoubleType(),True) \
.add("Xaxis",IntegerType(),True) \
.add("Yaxis",DoubleType(),True) \
.add("Zaxis",DoubleType(),True) \
.add("WorldRegion",StringType(),True) \
.add("Country",StringType(),True) \
.add("LocationText",StringType(),True) \
.add("Location",StringType(),True) \
.add("Decommisioned",BooleanType(),True) \
.add("TaxReturnsFiled",StringType(),True) \
.add("EstimatedPopulation",IntegerType(),True) \
.add("TotalWages",IntegerType(),True) \
df_with_schema ="csv") \
.option("header", True) \
.schema(schema) \
df2.write.option("header",True) \
7. Conclusion:
In conclusion, reading CSV files from disk using PySpark offers a versatile and efficient approach to data ingestion and processing. In this article, you have learned the importance of specifying options such as schema, delimiter, and header handling to ensure accurate DataFrame creation. Also, you learned to read a CSV file multiple csv files, all files from a folder e.t.c
Happy Learning !!
You can find it at zipcodes.csv @ GitHub
where is zipcode CSV file ?
Really very helpful pyspark example..Thanks for the details!!
Thank you!!
Very much helpful!! Thank you for the article!!
Glad you like it.
Thank you so much for this article :-)
Thanks for the example. could you please explain how to define/initialise the “spark” in the above example (e.g.