Using PySpark SQL functions datediff()
, months_between()
, you can calculate the difference between two dates in days, months, and years. Let’s see this by using a DataFrame example. You can also use these to calculate age.
Get Differences Between Dates in Days
The datediff()
is a PySpark SQL function that is used to calculate the difference in days between two provided dates. datediff() is commonly used in SQL queries or DataFrame operations to compute the duration between two timestamps or date values. In the example below, I will calculate the differences between the date column and the current date. To get the current date, I will use the current_date()
# Imports
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, current_date, datediff
# Create SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('').getOrCreate()
# Create DataFrame
data = [("1","2019-07-01"),("2","2019-06-24"),("3","2019-08-24")]
# Calculate the difference between two dates
df2 =
This code snippet selects the “date
” column from the DataFrame and computes the difference in days between the current date and the values in the “date” column. Finally, it renames the resulting columns appropriately and assigns the resulting DataFrame to the variable df2
# Output:
| date|current_date|datediff|
|2019-07-01| 2021-02-26| 606|
|2019-06-24| 2021-02-26| 613|
|2019-08-24| 2021-02-26| 552|
Get Differences Between Dates in Months
Use the PySpark SQL months_between()
function to get the number of months between two dates. The below code snippet calculates month differences between the date column from the DataFrame and the current date, including differences in days, and months.
# Imports
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, current_date, datediff, months_between, round
# Calculate the difference between two dates in months
df3 = df.withColumn("datesDiff", datediff(current_date(), col("date"))) \
.withColumn("monthsDiff", months_between(current_date(), col("date"))) \
.withColumn("monthsDiff_round", round(months_between(current_date(), col("date")), 2))
This yields the below output. This adds new columns named datediff
, monthdDiff
, and monthsDiff_round
to the DataFrame. The monthsDiff_round
represents the difference in months between the current date and the dates in the “date” column, rounded to two decimal places.
# Output:
| id| date|datesDiff| monthsDiff|monthsDiff_round|
| 1|2019-07-01| 1730|56.80645161| 56.81|
| 2|2019-06-24| 1737|57.06451613| 57.06|
| 3|2019-08-24| 1676|55.06451613| 55.06|
Get Differences Between Dates in Years
To calculate the difference between two dates in years using PySpark, you can utilize the months_between()
function to get the difference in months and then convert it into years.
# Imports
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, current_date, datediff, months_between, round, lit
# Calculate the difference between two dates in years
df4 = df.withColumn("datesDiff", datediff(current_date(), col("date"))) \
.withColumn("yearsDiff", months_between(current_date(), col("date")) / lit(12)) \
.withColumn("yearsDiff_round", round(months_between(current_date(), col("date")) / lit(12), 2))
This yields the below output.
# Output:
| id| date|datesDiff| yearsDiff|yearsDiff_round|
| 1|2019-07-01| 1730|4.733870967500001| 4.73|
| 2|2019-06-24| 1737|4.755376344166667| 4.76|
| 3|2019-08-24| 1676| 4.5887096775| 4.59|
Alternatively, you can also use the datediff()
function to get the difference in days and then convert it into years.
# Using datediff()
result = df.withColumn("years_diff", expr("datediff(end_date, start_date) / 365.25"))
Calculating Differences when Dates are in Custom Format
Let’s see another example of the difference between two dates when dates are not in DateType format yyyy-MM-dd
. When dates are not in DateType format, all date functions return null. Hence, you need to first convert the input date to DateType using to_date()
function and then calculate the differences
# Imports
from pyspark.sql.functions import current_date,to_date
# Create DF with custom date formats
data2 = [("1","07-01-2019"),("2","06-24-2019"),("3","08-24-2019")]
# Convert date and calculate
PySpark SQL Example to get the Difference Between Dates
Let’s use the SQL example to calculate the difference between two dates in years. Similarly, you can calculate the days and months between two dates. Here, the spark.sql() is used to run the SQL queries by using the functions explained above.
# SQL Example
spark.sql("select round(months_between('2019-07-01',current_date())/12,2) as years_diff")
In this tutorial, you have learned how to calculate days, months, and years between two dates using PySpark Date and Time functions datediff(), months_between(). You can find more information about these functions at the following blog
Happy Learning !!
Related Articles:
- PySpark SQL – How to Get Current Date & Timestamp
- PySpark SQL – Working with Unix Time
- PySpark Timestamp Difference (seconds, minutes, hours)
- PySpark SQL – Convert Date to String Format
- PySpark SQL – Convert String to Date Format
- PySpark SQL – Convert Timestamp to Date