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You are currently viewing PySpark alias() Column & DataFrame Examples

How to create an alias in PySpark for a column, DataFrame, and SQL Table? We are often required to create aliases for several reasons, one of them would be to specify user understandable names for coded names. For example, if you have fname, you may want to use first_name.


Alias of PySpark DataFrame column changes the name of the column without changing the type and the data. DataFrame and SQL table alias give a different name to the DataFrame/table without changing the structure, data, and column names.

1. Quick Examples of PySpark Alias

Below are some of the quick examples of how to alias column name, DataFrame, and SQL table in PySpark.

# Example 1 - Column.alias()

# Example 2 - using col().alias() - col() return Column type
from pyspark.sql.functions import col

# Example 3 - Query using spark.sql() and use 'as' for alias
spark.sql("select fee, lang as language from courses").show()

# Example 4 - Query using spark.sql() and use 'as' for alias
spark.sql("select subject.fee, subject.lang as language from courses as subject").show()

Let’s create a DataFrame

# Import
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Create SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local[1]") \
                    .appName('SparkByExamples.com') \

# Create DataFrame     
columns = ["lang","fee"]
data = [("Java", 20000), ("Python", 10000), ("Scala", 10000)]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data).toDF(*columns)

2. PySpark alias Column Name

pyspark.sql.Column.alias() returns the aliased with a new name or names. This method is the SQL equivalent of the as keyword used to provide a different column name on the SQL result.

Following is the syntax of the Column.alias() method.

# Syntax of Column.alias()
Column.alias(*alias, **kwargs)


  • alias – column name you wanted to alias to.
  • kwargs – kwargs values.

Now, let’s run an example with a column alias. Since DataFrame is immutable, this returns a new DataFrame with an alias column name. You can use this to alias one or multiple columns at a time.

# Alias column name
df2 = df.select("fee",df.lang.alias("language"))

# Using col() function
from pyspark.sql.functions import col

Above both examples yields the below output. Notice the column change from lang to language with alias.

# Output
|  fee|language|
|20000|    Java|
|10000|  Python|
|10000|   Scala|

 |-- fee: long (nullable = true)
 |-- language: string (nullable = true)

3. Alias DataFrame Name

You can also alias the DataFrame name. If you are not aware you can set the name to the DataFrame that shows on DAG on PySpark web UI. You can change this name by using DataFrame.alias()

# Alias DataFrmae name

4. Alias Column Name on PySpark SQL Query

If you have some SQL background you would know that as is used to provide an alias name of the column, similarly even in PySpark SQL, you can use the same notation to provide aliases.

Let’s see with an example. In order to use SQL query, first, you need to create a temporary view of the DataFrame so that you can run SQL query. A temporary view can be created using DataFrame.createOrReplaceTempView()

# Create SQL table

# Query using spark.sql() and use 'as' for alias
spark.sql("select fee, lang as language from courses").show()

Yields same DataFrame output as above. Note that the scope of the courses table is with the PySpark Session. Once the session closed you can’t access this table

5. Alias SQL Table and Columns

Now let’s alias the name of the table in SQL and the column name at the same time. Alias of column names would be very useful when you are working with joins.

# Query using spark.sql() and use 'as' for alias
df4 = spark.sql("select subject.fee, subject.lang as language from courses as subject")

6. Conclusion

In this article, you have learned how to alias column names using an alias(). This method is the SQL equivalent of the keyword used to provide a different column name on the SQL result. Also, learned how to use an alias on SQL queries after creating a table from DataFrame.