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You are currently viewing Pandas Sum DataFrame Columns With Examples

To sum Pandas DataFrame columns (given selected multiple columns) using either sum(), iloc[], eval(), and loc[] functions. Among these Pandas DataFrame.sum() function returns the sum of the values for the requested axis, in order to calculate the sum of columns use axis=1. In this article, I will explain how to sum Pandas DataFrame rows for given columns with examples.


1. Quick Examples of Sum DataFrame Columns

If you are in a hurry, below are some quick examples of how to sum pandas DataFrame by given or all columns.

# Below are some quick examples.

# Example 1: Using DataFrame.sum() to Sum of all columns 
# for each row
df2 = df.sum(axis=1)

# Example 2: Sum of all the columns for each row DataFrame
df['Sum'] = df.sum(axis=1)

# Example 3: Just a few columns to sum
df['Sum'] = df['mathematics'] + df['science'] + df['english']

# Example 4: Remove english column
col_list= list(df)

# Example 5: Sum specific columns
col_list= list(df)
df['Sum'] = df[col_list].sum(axis=1)

# Example 6: Select 1 to 3 columns to sum

# Example 7: Select 1 and 2 columns to sum Using DataFrame.iloc[] 

# Example 8: Using DataFrame.iloc[] to select 2 and 3 columns to sum

# Example 9: Sum columns Fee and Discount for row from r2 to r3
df['Sum'] = df.loc['r2':'r4',['mathematics','science']].sum(axis = 1)

# Example 10: Using DataFrame.eval() function to sum of rows
df2 = df.eval('Sum = mathematics + english')

# Example 11: Using DataFrame.loc[] and eval function to sum specific rows
df2 = df.loc['r2':'r4'].eval('Sum = mathematics + science')

Now, let’s create a DataFrame with a few rows and columns, execute these examples and validate the results. Our DataFrame contains column names student_name, mathematics, science and, english.

# Create DataFrame
import pandas as pd
studentdetails = {
       "mathematics" :[80,90,85,70,95],
       "science" :[85,95,80,90,75],
       "english" :[90,85,80,70,95]
df = pd.DataFrame(studentdetails ,index=index_labels)
print("Create DataFrame:\n", df)

Yields below output.

Pandas Sum Columns

2. Using DataFrame.sum() to Sum All Columns

Use DataFrame.sum() to get the sum/total of a DataFrame for both rows and columns. To get the total sum of columns you can use axis=1 param. By default, this method takes axis=0 which means the summing of rows.

# Using DataFrame.sum() to Sum of each row
df2 = df.sum(axis=1)
print("Get sum of all the columns for each row:\n", df2)

Yields below output. The above example calculates the sum of all numeric columns for each row. This also returns the index for each row to identify the result.

Pandas Sum Columns

3. Add Sum Columns to DataFrame Using DataFrame.sum()

If you notice the above output, the actual column values that are part of the sum are not returned by DataFrame.sum() function, however, you can get all columns including the sum column by assigning the DataFrame.sum() to a DataFrame column. I would like to add a column 'Sum' which is the sum of the column 'mathematics', 'science' and ‘english'.

# Sum of all the columns for each row DataFrame
df['Sum'] = df.sum(axis=1)
print("Get sum of all the columns for each row:\n", df)

# If you have few columns to sum
df['Sum'] = df['mathematics'] + df['science'] + df['english']
print("Get sum of all the columns for each row:\n", df2)

Yields below output.

# Output:
# Get sum of all the columns for each row:
   student_name  mathematics  science  english  Sum
r1         Ram          80       85       90  255
r2         Sam          90       95       85  270
r3       Scott          85       80       80  245
r4         Ann          70       90       70  230
r5        John          95       75       95  265

4. Calculate the Sum of the Given Columns

To calculate the sum of the given column or a list of columns you can use the sum() function. First, create a list with all the columns that you want to slice the DataFrame with the selected list of columns and apply the sum() function. Use df['Sum']=df[col_list].sum(axis=1) to get the total sum.

# Create List of columns
col_list= ['student_name', 'mathematics', 'science']

# Get sum of specific columns for each row
df['Sum'] = df[col_list].sum(axis=1)
print("Get sum of specific columns for each row:\n", df)

Yields below output.

# Output:
# Get sum of specific columns for each row
   student_name  mathematics  science  english  Sum
r1         Ram          80       85       90  165
r2         Sam          90       95       85  185
r3       Scott          85       80       80  165
r4         Ann          70       90       70  160
r5        John          95       75       95  170

4. Using DataFrame.iloc[] to Get Sum of Columns

Use DataFrame.iloc[] to select which columns to sum and call sum(axis=1) on DataFrame.

# Select 1 to 3 columns to sum
print("Get sum of specific columns for each row:\n", df)

# Select 1 and 2 columns to sum Using DataFrame.iloc[] 
print("Get sum of specific columns for each row:\n", df)

# Using DataFrame.iloc[] to select 2 and 3 columns to sum
print("Get sum of specific columns for each row:\n", df)

Yields below output.

# Output:
# Get sum of specific columns for each row:
   student_name  mathematics  science  english  Sum
r1         Ram          80       85       90  165
r2         Sam          90       95       85  185
r3       Scott          85       80       80  165
r4         Ann          70       90       70  160
r5        John          95       75       95  170

5. Using DataFrame.loc[] to Sum All Rows From Row r2 to r4

By using DataFrame.loc[] function, select the columns by labels, and then use sum(axis=1) function to calculate the total sum of columns. Using this you can also specify the rows you want to get the sum value. For rows that are not specified with loc[] results with NaN on the Sum column.

# Sum columns Fee and Discount for row from r2 to r3
df['Sum'] = df.loc['r2':'r4',['mathematics','science']].sum(axis = 1)
print("Get sum of specific columns for each row:\n", df)

Yields below output.

# Output:
# Get sum of specific columns for each row:
   student_name  mathematics science  english    Sum
r1         Ram          80       85       90    NaN
r2         Sam          90       95       85  185.0
r3       Scott          85       80       80  165.0
r4         Ann          70       90       70  160.0
r5        John          95       75       95    NaN

To understand the differences between loc[] and iloc[], read the article pandas difference between loc[] vs iloc[]

6. Sum of Columns using DataFrame.eval() Function

Try DataFrame.eval('Sum=mathematics + english') to sum the specific columns for each row using the eval function.

# Using DataFrame.eval() function to sum the columns for each row
df2 = df.eval('Sum = mathematics + english')
print("Get sum of specific columns for each row:\n", df)

Yields below output.

# Output:
# Get sum of specific columns for each row:
   student_name  mathematics  science  english  Sum
r1         Ram          80       85       90  170
r2         Sam          90       95       85  175
r3       Scott          85       80       80  165
r4         Ann          70       90       70  140
r5        John          95       75       95  190

7. Using DataFrame.loc[] and eval Function to Sum Specific Columns

You can use DataFrame.loc['r2':'r4'].eval('Sum = mathematics + science') to get the sum of specific columns for specific rows. To evaluate the sum of the specific columns with specified rows, use DataFrame.loc[].

# Using DataFrame.loc[] and eval function to sum specific rows
df2 = df.loc['r2':'r4'].eval('Sum = mathematics + science')
print("Get sum of specific columns for specific each row:\n", df)

Yields below output.

# Output:
# Get sum of specific columns for specific each row:
   student_name  mathematics  science  english  Sum
r2         Sam          90       95       85  185
r3       Scott          85       80       80  165
r4         Ann          70       90       70  160

8. Complete Example For Sum DataFrame Columns

import pandas as pd
studentdetails = {
       "mathematics" :[80,90,85,70,95],
       "science" :[85,95,80,90,75],
       "english" :[90,85,80,70,95]
df = pd.DataFrame(studentdetails ,index=index_labels)

# Using DataFrame.sum() to Sum of each row
df2 = df.sum(axis=1)
print("Get sum of all columns for each row:\n", df2)

# Sum the rows of DataFrame
df['Sum'] = df.sum(axis=1)
print("Get sum of all columns for each row:\n", df)

# Just a few columns to sum
df['Sum'] = df['mathematics'] + df['science'] + df['english']
print("Get sum of all columns for each row:\n", df)

# Sum specific columns
col_list= list(df)
df['Sum'] = df[col_list].sum(axis=1)
print("Get sum of specific columns for each row:\n", df)

# Select 1 to 3 columns to sum
print("Get sum of specific columns for each row:\n", df)

# Select 1 and 2 columns to sum Using DataFrame.iloc[] 
print("Get sum of specific columns for each row:\n", df)

# Using DataFrame.iloc[] to select 2 and 3 columns to sum
print("Get sum of specific columns for each row:\n", df)

# Sum columns Fee and Discount for row from r2 to r3
df['Sum'] = df.loc['r2':'r4',['mathematics','science']].sum(axis = 1)
print("Get sum of specific columns for each row:\n", df)

# Using DataFrame.eval() function to sum of rows
df2 = df.eval('Sum = mathematics + english')
print("Get sum of specific columns for each row:\n", df2)

# Using DataFrame.loc[] and eval function to sum specific rows
df2 = df.loc['r2':'r4'].eval('Sum = mathematics + science')
print("Get sum of specific columns for each row:\n", df2)

Frequently Asked Questions of Sum DataFrame Columns

How do I sum a single column in a Pandas DataFrame?

To sum a single column in a DataFrame, you can use the .sum() method on that column. For example, df['column_name'].sum().

How do I sum multiple columns in a Pandas DataFrame?

To sum multiple columns in a DataFrame, you can pass a list of column names to the .sum() method. For example, df[['column1', 'column2', 'column3']].sum()

How can I sum columns and store the result as a new column in the DataFrame?

You can create a new column to store the sum of the desired columns. For example, df['sum_column'] = df[['column1', 'column2', 'column3']].sum(axis=1)

How do I sum a specific range of columns in a Pandas DataFrame?

You can slice the DataFrame to select the range of columns you want to sum and then use the .sum() method. For example, df.iloc[:, 2:5].sum()

How can I sum columns along a specific axis (row-wise instead of column-wise)?

To sum columns along rows (row-wise), you can use the .sum() method with the axis parameter set to 1. For example, df.sum(axis=1)

9. Conclusion

In this article, you have learned how to calculate the sum of Pandas DataFrame columns for all or specified columns for each row with the help of df.sum() function, eval() function, loc[] attribute, and iloc[] attribute of Pandas.

Happy Learning !!


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