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You are currently viewing Pandas Merge DataFrames on Multiple Columns

To merge two pandas DataFrames on multiple columns, you can use the merge() function and specify the columns to join on using the on parameter. This function is considered more versatile and flexible and we also have the same method in DataFrame.


In this article, I will explain how to merge two Pandas DataFrames by multiple columns when columns on the left and right DataFrames are the same and when column names are different.

Key Points –

  • Pandas provides the merge() function to combine DataFrames based on common columns.
  • Merging on multiple columns is achieved by passing a list of column names to the on parameter.
  • Multi-column merges in pandas provide more precise control over data integration by requiring multiple columns to match for a row to be included in the result.
  • Merging on multiple columns can be useful for complex data integration tasks where a single column match might not be sufficient.

Quick Examples of Merging DataFrames on Multiple Columns

Following are quick examples of merging two DataFrames on multiple columns.

# Quick examples of merging dataframes on multiple columns

# Example 1: Merge default pandas DataFrame without any key column
merged_df = pd.merge(df,df1)

# Example 2: Use pandas.merge() on multiple columns
df2 = pd.merge(df, df1, on=['Courses','Fee'])

# Example 3: Use pandas.merge() on multiple columns
df2 = pd.merge(df, df1,  how='left', left_on=['Courses','Fee'], right_on = ['Courses','Fee'])

# Example 4: Merge Pandas DataFrames using left_on and right_on
merged_df = pd.merge(df, df1, left_on="Courses", right_on="Courses")

# Example 5: Set value of on parameter to specify the key value for merge in pandas
merged_df = pd.merge(df, df1, on="Courses")

To run some examples of merging pandas DataFrames on multiple columns, let’s create a Pandas DataFrame.

# Create Pandas DataFrame
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Courses': ["Spark","PySpark","Python","pandas","Java"],
                    'Fee' : [20000,25000,30000,24000,40000],

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Courses': ["Java","PySpark","Python","pandas","Hyperion"],
                    'Fee': [20000,25000,30000,24000,40000],
print("First DataFrame:\n", df)
print("Second DataFrame:\n", df1)

Yields below output.

pandas merge multiple columns

Merge Default Pandas DataFrame Without Any Key Column

You can pass two DataFrames to be merged into the pandas.merge() method. This function collects all common columns in both DataFrames and replaces each common column in both DataFrames with a single one. It merges the DataFrames df and df1 assigned to merged_df.

By default, the merge() method performs an inner join on all columns that are common to both DataFrames. We have the columns Courses and Fee common to both the DataFrames.

# Merge default pandas DataFrame without any key column
merged_df = pd.merge(df, df1)
print("After merging the DataFrames:\n", merged_df)


pandas merge multiple columns

Use pandas.merge() to Multiple Columns

You can also explicitly specify the column names to use for the join. To specify column names use on param of the merge() method. This also takes a list of names when you want to merge multiple columns.

# Use pandas.merge() on multiple columns
df2 = pd.merge(df, df1, on=['Courses','Fee'])
print("After merging the DataFrames:\n", df2)

# Output:
# After merging the DataFrames:
#     Courses    Fee Duration Percentage
# 0  PySpark  25000   40days        20%
# 1   Python  30000   60days        25%
# 2   pandas  24000   55days        20%

Use pandas.merge() when Column Names Different

When you have column names on the left and right that are different and want to use these as a join column, use left_on and right_on parameters. This also takes a list of column names as values to merge on multiple columns. The left_on will be set to the name of the column in the left DataFrame and right_on will be set to the name of the column in the right DataFrame.

# Use pandas.merge() to on multiple columns
df2 = pd.merge(df, df1,  how='left', left_on=['Courses','Fee'], right_on = ['Courses','Fee'])
print("After merging the DataFrames:\n", df2)

# Output:
# After merging the DataFrames:
#    Courses    Fee Duration Percentage
# 0    Spark  20000    30day        NaN
# 1  PySpark  25000   40days        20%
# 2   Python  30000   60days        25%
# 3   pandas  24000   55days        20%
# 4     Java  40000   50days        NaN

Merge Pandas DataFrame Based on Single Column

If you want to merge DataFrames based on a single key column, you can simply pass the column name as a string to the on parameter. For example:

# Set value on parameter 
# To specify the key value for merging in pandas
merged_df = pd.merge(df, df1, on="Courses")

Yields below output.

   Courses  Fee_x Duration  Fee_y Percentage
0  PySpark  25000   40days  25000        20%
1   Python  30000   60days  30000        25%
2   pandas  24000   55days  24000        20%
3     Java  40000   50days  20000        10%

Complete Example For Merge DataFrames

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'Courses': ["Spark","PySpark","Python","pandas","Java"],
                    'Fee' : [20000,25000,30000,24000,40000],

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Courses': ["Java","PySpark","Python","pandas","Hyperion"],
                    'Fee': [20000,25000,30000,24000,40000],

# Merge default pandas DataFrame without any key column
merged_df = pd.merge(df,df1)

# Use pandas.merge() to on multiple columns
df2 = pd.merge(df, df1,  how='left', left_on=['Courses','Fee'], right_on = ['Courses','Fee'])

# Merge Pandas DataFrames using left_on and right_on
merged_df = pd.merge(df, df1, left_on="Courses", right_on="Courses")

# Set value on parameter to specify the key value for merge in pandas
merged_df = pd.merge(df, df1, on="Courses")

FAQ on Merge Multiple Columns

How do I merge two DataFrames based on a single column?

To merge two DataFrames based on a single column, you can use the merge() function and specify the on parameter with the column name. For example, merged_df = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='common_column')

What if I want to merge based on the index?

You can use the left_index and right_index parameters to merge on the left and right DataFrames’ indices.

Can I merge on the index of a DataFrame?

You can merge DataFrames on their indices in pandas. You can achieve this by setting the left_index and right_index parameters to True. This is useful when you need to merge DataFrames based on their row labels rather than columns.

How do I merge DataFrames with different shapes?

Merging will align DataFrames on the specified columns. Rows with matching values in the columns will be combined, while rows without matches will be handled according to the how parameter (e.g., kept in an outer join).


In conclusion, the pandas.merge() method is a versatile tool for merging DataFrames on multiple columns. By specifying the columns to merge on, you can combine DataFrames in various ways to suit your data analysis needs.

Happy Learning !!

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