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You are currently viewing Pandas DataFrame cov() Method

In Pandas, the cov() method is used to compute the covariance matrix of the columns of a DataFrame. Covariance is a measure of how much two random variables vary together. If the covariance is positive, it means that the variables tend to increase or decrease together. If it is negative, one variable tends to increase when the other decreases.


In this article, I will explain the Pandas DataFrame cov() method by using its syntax, parameters, usage, and how to return a DataFrame that represents the covariance matrix for the numeric columns of the original DataFrame.

Key Points –

  • Computes the covariance matrix of the DataFrame’s columns, indicating how much two variables change together.
  • Diagonal elements represent the variance of each column.
  • Excludes NA/null values by default when computing covariance.
  • The min_periods parameter specifies the minimum number of observations required per pair of columns to produce a valid result.
  • Covariance is not normalized, and its magnitude depends on the units of the variables.

Pandas DataFrame cov() Introduction

Let’s know the syntax of the cov() method.

# Syntax of DataFrame cov()
DataFrame.cov(min_periods=None, ddof=1, numeric_only=False)

Parameters of the DataFrame cov()

Following are the parameters of the DataFrame cov() method.

  • min_periods – (int, optional) Minimum number of observations required per pair of columns to have a valid result. If not provided, the default is None.
  • ddof – (int, optional) Delta degrees of freedom. The divisor used in calculations is N – \ddof, where N represents the number of elements. The default is 1.
  • numeric_only – (bool, optional) Include only float, int, boolean data. If None, will attempt to use everything, then use only numeric data. The default is False.

Return Value

It returns the covariance matrix of the DataFrame’s columns.

Usage of Pandas DataFrame cov() Method

The cov() method in Pandas is used to calculate the covariance matrix of the columns in a DataFrame.

To run some examples of the Pandas DataFrame cov() method, let’s create a Pandas DataFrame using data from a dictionary.

# Create DataFrame
import pandas as pd
studentdetails = {
       "Studentname":["Ram", "Sam", "Scott", "Ann", "John"],
       "Mathematics" :[80,90,85,70,95],
       "Science" :[85,95,80,90,75],
       "English" :[90,85,75,65,95]
df = pd.DataFrame(studentdetails ,index=index_labels)
print("Create DataFrame:\n", df)

Yields below output.

pandas covariance

Alternatively, you can compute the covariance matrix of a DataFrame using the df.cov() method.

# Compute the covariance matrix
df2 = df.cov()
print("Covariance matrix:\n", df2)

In the above example, the DataFrame df is created with numeric data in columns Mathematics, Science, and English. Each row represents a different observation. The df.cov() method calculates the covariance matrix of the numeric columns.

pandas covariance

Covariance Matrix with Minimum Periods

To compute a covariance matrix with a minimum number of observations required for each pair of columns, you can use the min_periods parameter in the df.cov() method. This parameter specifies the minimum number of observations required to have a valid covariance result for each pair of columns.

# Compute the covariance matrix with a minimum of 4 observations
df2 = df.cov(min_periods=4)
print("Covariance Matrix with min_periods=4:\n", df2)

In the above example, the df.cov(min_periods=4) method computes the covariance matrix, requiring at least 4 non-null observations for each pair of columns to produce a valid result. This example yields the same output as above.

Use cov() Method to DataFrame with Missing Values

When working with DataFrames that contain missing values, the cov() method can still compute the covariance matrix by ignoring the missing values pairwise. This means it only considers pairs of observations that are present for both variables.

# Create DataFrame
import pandas as pd

# Create a DataFrame with some missing values
data = {
    "Studentname":["Ram", "Sam", "Scott", "Ann", "John"],
    "Math": [80, 90, None, 70, 95],
    "Science": [85, None, 80, 90, 75],
    "English": [90, 85, 75, None, 95]
index_labels = ['r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'r4', 'r5']
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index_labels)

# Compute the covariance matrix
cov_matrix = df.cov()
print("Covariance Matrix:\n", cov_matrix)

# Outpu:
# Covariance Matrix:
#                Math    Science    English
# Math     122.916667 -95.833333  12.500000
# Science  -95.833333  41.666667 -12.500000
# English   12.500000 -12.500000  72.916667

In the above example, the DataFrame df contains some missing values (None or NaN). The df.cov() method computes the covariance matrix, ignoring the missing values pairwise.

Selecting Specific Columns

Similarly, to compute the covariance matrix for specific columns in a DataFrame, you can select those columns before applying the cov() method. This approach allows you to focus on the relationships between particular variables.

# Select specific columns (only numeric columns)
selected_columns = df[["Math", "Science", "English"]]

# Compute the covariance matrix for the selected columns
df2 = selected_columns.cov()
print("Covariance matrix for selected columns:\n", df2)

In the above example, the DataFrame df includes both numeric and non-numeric data, with some missing values. The selected_columns DataFrame is created by selecting only the numeric columns Math, Science, and English. The cov() method is applied to the selected_columns DataFrame to compute the covariance matrix. This example yields the same output as above.

Covariance with Different Data Types

Finally, when working with a DataFrame that contains columns of different data types, the cov() method in Pandas will automatically exclude non-numeric columns from the covariance matrix calculation. The covariance matrix is only computed for numeric columns.

import pandas as pd

# Create a DataFrame with different data types
data = {
    "Studentname": ["Ram", "Sam", "Scott", "Ann", "John"],
    "Math": [80, 90, 85, 70, 95],
    "Science": [85, 95, 80, 90, 75],
    "English": [90, 85, 75, 65, 95],
    "Age": [20, 21, 22, 20, 23]  # Numeric column, but different type
index_labels = ['r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'r4', 'r5']
df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index_labels)

# Compute the covariance matrix for numeric columns only
cov_matrix = df.cov()
print("Covariance Matrix:\n", cov_matrix)

# Output:
# Covariance Matrix:
#           Math  Science  English    Age
# Math     92.50   -31.25     90.0  10.25
# Science -31.25    62.50    -37.5  -7.50
# English  90.00   -37.50    145.0   7.00
# Age      10.25    -7.50      7.0   1.70

In the above example, the DataFrame df contains a mix of data types: strings (non-numeric) in Studentname, numeric data in Math, Science, English, and Age. The df.cov() method is called. Pandas automatically excludes the non-numeric Studentname column and compute the covariance matrix for the numeric columns only (Math, Science, English, Age).

Frequently Asked Questions on Pandas DataFrame cov() Method

What does the df.cov() method do?

The df.cov() method computes the covariance matrix of the DataFrame’s numeric columns. The covariance matrix shows how pairs of numeric variables in the DataFrame vary together.

How does df.cov() handle missing values?

The df.cov() method handles missing values by using pairwise deletion. This means that only complete pairs of observations (where neither value is missing) are considered for each covariance calculation.

Can df.cov() be used with non-numeric columns?

df.cov() automatically excludes non-numeric columns from the covariance matrix calculation. Only numeric columns are included in the result.

What is the purpose of the min_periods parameter in df.cov()?

The min_periods parameter specifies the minimum number of observations required for a valid covariance value to be computed. If there are fewer observations than specified, the covariance for that pair will be set to NaN.

Can df.cov() be used with DataFrames containing categorical data?

df.cov() is designed for numeric data only. Categorical data and other non-numeric types are excluded from the covariance matrix calculation.


In conclusion, the df.cov() method in Pandas is a powerful tool for calculating the covariance matrix of a DataFrame’s numeric columns. It helps in understanding how pairs of numeric variables vary together, which is essential for statistical analysis and data exploration.

Happy Learning!!
