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You are currently viewing Convert Series to Dictionary(Dict) in Pandas

In Pandas, you can convert a Series to a dictionary using the to_dict() method. This method creates a dictionary where the index labels of the Series become the keys, and the corresponding values become the values in the dictionary.


The to_dict() method in Pandas allows you to convert a Series into a Python dictionary object. This method offers flexibility through its orient parameter, which specifies the output format. The orient parameter accepts values such as dict, list, series, split, records, and index. In this tutorial, I’ll explain how to convert a series into a Python dictionary object.

Key Points –

  • Pandas provides the to_dict() method to convert a Series to a Python dictionary.
  • The resulting dictionary has the index labels of the Series as keys and the corresponding values as values.
  • This conversion is useful for scenarios where dictionary-like operations or interfaces are required.
  • The orient parameter in to_dict() allows customization of the output format, offering options like dict, list, series, split, records, and index.

Quick Examples of Convert Series to Dict

Below are quick examples of converting the pandas series to Dictionary.

# Quick examples of convert series to dict

# Example 1 : Create Pandas series
courses = pd.Series(['Java', 'Spark', 'PySpark','Pandas','NumPy', 'Python'])

# Example 2 : Customize the index series
courses = pd.Series(['Java', 'Spark', 'PySpark','Pandas','NumPy', 'Python'],
                    index = ['Course1', 'Course2', 'Course3', 'Course4', 'Course5','Course6'])

# Example 3 : Convert Series to dictionary
dict = courses.to_dict() 

Syntax of Pandas Series.to_dict()

Following is the syntax of the Series.to_dict().

# Syntax of series.to_dict()
series.to_dict(orient='dict', into=)

Initialize Pandas Series

A Pandas Series is a core data structure in the Pandas library, representing one-dimensional data with labeled indices. It can hold various data types, such as strings, integers, floats, and other Python objects.

First, let’s create a series and change it to a Python dictionary. Note that our series contains indices and values.

import pandas as pd
# Customize the index series
courses = pd.Series(['Java', 'Spark', 'PySpark','Pandas','NumPy', 'Python'],
                    index = ['Course1', 'Course2', 'Course3', 'Course4', 'Course5','Course6'])
print("Create Pandas Series:\n", courses)

Yields below output.

convert series dict

Convert Pandas Series to Dictionary

You can use the pandas Series.to_dict() function to convert a Series to a dictionary (dict). If you want to convert DataFrame to Dictionary you can use DataFrame.to.dict() function.

Let’s pass the Series object which we want to convert to a dictionary into this function, it will return the dictionary, where the keys are indices and values are values of the given series.

# Convert Series to dictionary
dict = courses.to_dict()
print("After converting a Series to dictionary:\n", dict)
print("Type of the object:\n", type(dict))

Yields below output.

convert series dict

FAQ on Convert Series to Dictionary(Dict) in Pandas

How do I convert a Pandas Series to a dictionary?

You can convert a Pandas Series to a dictionary using the .to_dict() method. The index values of the Series will become the keys of the dictionary, and the corresponding values in the Series will become the dictionary values.

Can I specify how to handle missing data when converting to a dictionary?

The .to_dict() method will exclude any missing data (NaN) in the Series when converting to a dictionary. If you want to handle missing values, you should first fill or drop the missing values before conversion.

Can I convert a Series with a multi-level index to a dictionary?

You can convert a Series with a MultiIndex to a dictionary. The MultiIndex will be flattened, and the resulting dictionary will use the tuple of index values as keys.

What happens if the Series has duplicate index values?

If the Series has duplicate index values, converting it to a dictionary will overwrite the earlier entries with the same key. Only the last occurrence of a key will be kept in the dictionary.

Can I convert the values to another format during conversion?

You can manipulate the values before converting to a dictionary, such as applying a function to each value using .apply().


In this article, you have learned pandas.Series.to_dict() method and using this method you can convert Pandas Series to Python dictionary objects by converting indices as keys and the corresponding values of indices as values.

Happy Learning !!
