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  • Post last modified:March 27, 2024
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You are currently viewing PySpark Join Types | Join Two DataFrames

PySpark Join is used to combine two DataFrames and by chaining these you can join multiple DataFrames; it supports all basic join type operations available in traditional SQL like INNERLEFT OUTERRIGHT OUTERLEFT ANTILEFT SEMICROSSSELF JOIN. PySpark Joins are wider transformations that involve data shuffling across the network.


PySpark SQL Joins comes with more optimization by default (thanks to DataFrames) however still there would be some performance issues to consider while using. I would recommend reading through the PySpark Tutorial where I explained several insights of performance issues.

In this PySpark SQL Join, you will learn different Join syntaxes and use different Join types on two or more DataFrames and Datasets using examples.

1. PySpark Join Syntax

PySpark SQL join has a below syntax and it can be accessed directly from DataFrame.

# Syntax
join(self, other, on=None, how=None)

join() operation takes parameters as below and returns DataFrame.

  • param other: Right side of the join
  • param on: a string for the join column name
  • param how: default inner. Must be one of inner, cross, outer,full, full_outer, left, left_outer, right, right_outer,left_semi, and left_anti.

You can also write Join expression by adding where() and filter() methods on DataFrame and can have Join on multiple columns.

2. PySpark Join Types

Below are the different Join Types PySpark supports.

Join String Equivalent SQL Join
outer, full, fullouter, full_outerFULL OUTER JOIN
left, leftouter, left_outerLEFT JOIN
right, rightouter, right_outerRIGHT JOIN
anti, leftanti, left_anti
semi, leftsemi, left_semi
PySpark Join Types

Before we jump into PySpark SQL Join examples, first, let’s create an "emp" and "dept" DataFrames. here, column "emp_id" is unique on emp and "dept_id" is unique on the dept dataset, and emp_dept_id from emp has a reference to dept_id on the dept dataset.

# Prapare data 
import pyspark
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

emp = [(1,"Smith",-1,"2018","10","M",3000), \
    (2,"Rose",1,"2010","20","M",4000), \
    (3,"Williams",1,"2010","10","M",1000), \
    (4,"Jones",2,"2005","10","F",2000), \
    (5,"Brown",2,"2010","40","",-1), \
      (6,"Brown",2,"2010","50","",-1) \
empColumns = ["emp_id","name","superior_emp_id","year_joined", \

empDF = spark.createDataFrame(data=emp, schema = empColumns)

dept = [("Finance",10), \
    ("Marketing",20), \
    ("Sales",30), \
    ("IT",40) \
deptColumns = ["dept_name","dept_id"]
deptDF = spark.createDataFrame(data=dept, schema = deptColumns)

This prints “emp” and “dept” DataFrame to the console. Refer complete example below on how to create spark object.

Emp Dataset
|emp_id|name    |superior_emp_id|year_joined|emp_dept_id|gender|salary|
|1     |Smith   |-1             |2018       |10         |M     |3000  |
|2     |Rose    |1              |2010       |20         |M     |4000  |
|3     |Williams|1              |2010       |10         |M     |1000  |
|4     |Jones   |2              |2005       |10         |F     |2000  |
|5     |Brown   |2              |2010       |40         |      |-1    |
|6     |Brown   |2              |2010       |50         |      |-1    |

Dept Dataset
|Finance  |10     |
|Marketing|20     |
|Sales    |30     |
|IT       |40     |

3. How Join works?

PySpark’s join operation works by combining data from two or more Datasets based on a common column or key. The join operation is a fundamental operation in PySpark and it is a similar approach to SQL joins.

Common Key: In order to join two or more datasets we need a common key or a column on which you want to join. This key is used to join the matching rows from the datasets.

Partitioning: PySpark Datasets are distributed and partitioned across multiple nodes in a cluster. Ideally, data with the same join key should be located in the same partition. If the Datasets are not already partitioned on the join key, PySpark may perform a shuffle operation to redistribute the data, ensuring that rows with the same join key are on the same node. Shuffling can be an expensive operation, especially for large Datasets.

Join Type Specification: We can specify the type of join like inner join, full join, left join, etc., by specifying on “how” parameter of the .join() method. This parameter determines which rows should be included or excluded in the resulting Dataset.

Join Execution: PySpark performs the join by comparing the values in the common key column between the Datasets.

  • Inner Join: Returns only the rows with matching keys in both DataFrames.
  • Left Join: Returns all rows from the left DataFrame and matching rows from the right DataFrame.
  • Right Join: Returns all rows from the right DataFrame and matching rows from the left DataFrame.
  • Full Outer Join: Returns all rows from both DataFrames, including matching and non-matching rows.
  • Left Semi Join: Returns all rows from the left DataFrame where there is a match in the right DataFrame.
  • Left Anti Join: Returns all rows from the left DataFrame where there is no match in the right DataFrame.

4. PySpark Inner Join DataFrame

Inner join is the default join in PySpark and it’s mostly used when you want to retrieve data from two or more DataFrames based on a shared key. An Inner join combines two DataFrames based on the key (common column) provided and results in rows where there is a matching found. Rows from both DataFrames are dropped with a non-matching key.

# Inner join
empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"inner") \

When we apply Inner join on our datasets, It drops “emp_dept_id” 50 from “emp” And “dept_id” 30 from “dept” datasets. Below is the result of the above Join expression.

# Output
|emp_id|name    |superior_emp_id|year_joined|emp_dept_id|gender|salary|dept_name|dept_id|
|1     |Smith   |-1             |2018       |10         |M     |3000  |Finance  |10     |
|2     |Rose    |1              |2010       |20         |M     |4000  |Marketing|20     |
|3     |Williams|1              |2010       |10         |M     |1000  |Finance  |10     |
|4     |Jones   |2              |2005       |10         |F     |2000  |Finance  |10     |
|5     |Brown   |2              |2010       |40         |      |-1    |IT       |40     |

5. PySpark Full Outer Join

Outer a.k.a full, fullouter join returns all rows from both datasets, where the join expression doesn’t match it returns null on respective record columns.

# Full outer join
empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"outer") \
empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"full") \
empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"fullouter") \

From our “emp” dataset’s “emp_dept_id” with value 50 doesn’t have a record on “dept” hence dept columns have null and “dept_id” 30 doesn’t have a record in “emp” hence you see null’s on emp columns. Below is the result of the above Join expression.

# Output
|emp_id|name    |superior_emp_id|year_joined|emp_dept_id|gender|salary|dept_name|dept_id|
|2     |Rose    |1              |2010       |20         |M     |4000  |Marketing|20     |
|5     |Brown   |2              |2010       |40         |      |-1    |IT       |40     |
|1     |Smith   |-1             |2018       |10         |M     |3000  |Finance  |10     |
|3     |Williams|1              |2010       |10         |M     |1000  |Finance  |10     |
|4     |Jones   |2              |2005       |10         |F     |2000  |Finance  |10     |
|6     |Brown   |2              |2010       |50         |      |-1    |null     |null   |
|null  |null    |null           |null       |null       |null  |null  |Sales    |30     |

6. PySpark Left Outer Join

Left a.k.a Leftouter join returns all rows from the left dataset regardless of match found on the right dataset when join expression doesn’t match, it assigns null for that record and drops records from right where match not found.

# Left outer join
empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"left")
empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"leftouter")

From our dataset, “emp_dept_id” 5o doesn’t have a record on “dept” dataset hence, this record contains null on “dept” columns (dept_name & dept_id). and “dept_id” 30 from “dept” dataset dropped from the results. Below is the result of the above Join expression.

# output
|emp_id|name    |superior_emp_id|year_joined|emp_dept_id|gender|salary|dept_name|dept_id|
|1     |Smith   |-1             |2018       |10         |M     |3000  |Finance  |10     |
|2     |Rose    |1              |2010       |20         |M     |4000  |Marketing|20     |
|3     |Williams|1              |2010       |10         |M     |1000  |Finance  |10     |
|4     |Jones   |2              |2005       |10         |F     |2000  |Finance  |10     |
|5     |Brown   |2              |2010       |40         |      |-1    |IT       |40     |
|6     |Brown   |2              |2010       |50         |      |-1    |null     |null   |

7. Right Outer Join

Right a.k.a Rightouter join is opposite of left join, here it returns all rows from the right dataset regardless of math found on the left dataset, when join expression doesn’t match, it assigns null for that record and drops records from left where match not found.

# Right outer join
empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"right") \
empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"rightouter") \

From our example, the right dataset “dept_id” 30 doesn’t have it on the left dataset “emp” hence, this record contains null on “emp” columns. and “emp_dept_id” 50 dropped as a match not found on left. Below is the result of the above Join expression.

# Output
|emp_id|name    |superior_emp_id|year_joined|emp_dept_id|gender|salary|dept_name|dept_id|
|4     |Jones   |2              |2005       |10         |F     |2000  |Finance  |10     |
|3     |Williams|1              |2010       |10         |M     |1000  |Finance  |10     |
|1     |Smith   |-1             |2018       |10         |M     |3000  |Finance  |10     |
|2     |Rose    |1              |2010       |20         |M     |4000  |Marketing|20     |
|null  |null    |null           |null       |null       |null  |null  |Sales    |30     |
|5     |Brown   |2              |2010       |40         |      |-1    |IT       |40     |

8. Left Semi Join

leftsemi join is similar to inner join difference being leftsemi join returns all columns from the left dataset and ignores all columns from the right dataset. In other words, this join returns columns from the only left dataset for the records match in the right dataset on join expression, records not matched on join expression are ignored from both left and right datasets.

The same result can be achieved using select on the result of the inner join however, using this join would be efficient.

# Left semi join
empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"leftsemi") \

Below is the result of the above join expression.

# Output
|emp_id|name    |superior_emp_id|year_joined|emp_dept_id|gender|salary|
|1     |Smith   |-1             |2018       |10         |M     |3000  |
|2     |Rose    |1              |2010       |20         |M     |4000  |
|3     |Williams|1              |2010       |10         |M     |1000  |
|4     |Jones   |2              |2005       |10         |F     |2000  |
|5     |Brown   |2              |2010       |40         |      |-1    |

9. Left Anti Join

leftanti join does the exact opposite of the leftsemi, leftanti join returns only columns from the left dataset for non-matched records.

# Left anti join
empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"leftanti") \

Yields below output

# Output
|emp_id|name |superior_emp_id|year_joined|emp_dept_id|gender|salary|
|6     |Brown|2              |2010       |50         |      |-1    |

10. PySpark Self Join

Joins are not complete without a self join, Though there is no self-join type available, we can use any of the above-explained join types to join DataFrame to itself. below example use inner self join.

# Self join
empDF.alias("emp1").join(empDF.alias("emp2"), \
    col("emp1.superior_emp_id") == col("emp2.emp_id"),"inner") \
    .select(col("emp1.emp_id"),col("emp1.name"), \
      col("emp2.emp_id").alias("superior_emp_id"), \
      col("emp2.name").alias("superior_emp_name")) \

Here, we are joining emp dataset with itself to find out superior emp_id and name for all employees.

# Output
|emp_id|name    |superior_emp_id|superior_emp_name|
|2     |Rose    |1              |Smith            |
|3     |Williams|1              |Smith            |
|4     |Jones   |2              |Rose             |
|5     |Brown   |2              |Rose             |
|6     |Brown   |2              |Rose             |

11. Using SQL Expression

Since PySpark SQL support native SQL syntax, we can also write join operations after creating temporary tables on DataFrames and use these tables on spark.sql().

# Using spark.sql


joinDF = spark.sql("select * from EMP e, DEPT d where e.emp_dept_id == d.dept_id") \

joinDF2 = spark.sql("select * from EMP e INNER JOIN DEPT d ON e.emp_dept_id == d.dept_id") \

12. PySpark SQL Join on multiple DataFrames

When you need to join more than two tables, you either use SQL expression after creating a temporary view on the DataFrame or use the result of join operation to join with another DataFrame like chaining them. for example

# Join on multiple dataFrames
df1.join(df2,df1.id1 == df2.id2,"inner") \
   .join(df3,df1.id1 == df3.id3,"inner")

13. PySpark SQL Join Complete Example

import pyspark
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import col

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('SparkByExamples.com').getOrCreate()

emp = [(1,"Smith",-1,"2018","10","M",3000), \
    (2,"Rose",1,"2010","20","M",4000), \
    (3,"Williams",1,"2010","10","M",1000), \
    (4,"Jones",2,"2005","10","F",2000), \
    (5,"Brown",2,"2010","40","",-1), \
      (6,"Brown",2,"2010","50","",-1) \
empColumns = ["emp_id","name","superior_emp_id","year_joined", \

empDF = spark.createDataFrame(data=emp, schema = empColumns)

dept = [("Finance",10), \
    ("Marketing",20), \
    ("Sales",30), \
    ("IT",40) \
deptColumns = ["dept_name","dept_id"]
deptDF = spark.createDataFrame(data=dept, schema = deptColumns)
empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"inner") \

empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"outer") \
empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"full") \
empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"fullouter") \
empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"left") \
empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"leftouter") \

empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"right") \
empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"rightouter") \

empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"leftsemi") \
empDF.join(deptDF,empDF.emp_dept_id ==  deptDF.dept_id,"leftanti") \
empDF.alias("emp1").join(empDF.alias("emp2"), \
    col("emp1.superior_emp_id") == col("emp2.emp_id"),"inner") \
    .select(col("emp1.emp_id"),col("emp1.name"), \
      col("emp2.emp_id").alias("superior_emp_id"), \
      col("emp2.name").alias("superior_emp_name")) \

joinDF = spark.sql("select * from EMP e, DEPT d where e.emp_dept_id == d.dept_id") \

joinDF2 = spark.sql("select * from EMP e INNER JOIN DEPT d ON e.emp_dept_id == d.dept_id") \

Examples explained here are available at the GitHub project for reference.

14. Frequently asked questions on PySpark Joins

What is the default join in PySpark?

In PySpark the default join type is “inner” join when using with .join() method. If you don’t explicitly specify the join type using the “how” parameter, it will perform the inner join. One can change the join type using the how parameter of .join().

Is join expensive in PySpark?

Yes, Join in PySpark is expensive because of the data shuffling (wider transformation) that happens between the partitioned data in a cluster. It basically depends on the data size, data skew, cluster configuration, join type being performed, partitioning, and broadcast joins.

Can we join on multiple columns in PySpark?

Yes, we can join on multiple columns. Joining on multiple columns involves more join conditions with multiple keys for matching the rows between the datasets.It can be achieved by passing a list of column names as the join condition when using the .join() method.

How do I drop duplicate columns after joining PySpark?

PySpark distinct() function is used to drop/remove the duplicate rows (all columns) from Dataset and dropDuplicates() is used to drop rows based on selected (one or multiple) columns

What is the difference between the inner join and the left join?

The key difference is that an inner join includes only the rows with matching keys in both Datasets, while a left join includes all the rows from the left Dataset and matches them with rows from the right Dataset where there’s a match. Non-matching rows in the left Dataset in a left join are included with null values in the columns from the right Dataset.

What is the difference between left join and left outer join?

Both terms refer to the same type of join operation, and they can be used interchangeably. The “OUTER” keyword is optional when specifying a “LEFT JOIN.”


In this PySpark SQL tutorial, you have learned two or more DataFrames can be joined using the join() function of the DataFrame, Join types syntax, usage, and examples with PySpark (Spark with Python), I would also recommend reading through Optimizing SQL Joins to know performance impact on joins.

Happy Learning !!

Naveen Nelamali

Naveen Nelamali (NNK) is a Data Engineer with 20+ years of experience in transforming data into actionable insights. Over the years, He has honed his expertise in designing, implementing, and maintaining data pipelines with frameworks like Apache Spark, PySpark, Pandas, R, Hive and Machine Learning. Naveen journey in the field of data engineering has been a continuous learning, innovation, and a strong commitment to data integrity. In this blog, he shares his experiences with the data as he come across. Follow Naveen @ LinkedIn and Medium

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. mukul tanwar

    How do I drop duplicate columns after joining PySpark?
    For this question we are suppose to use select in the final joined output of table. Distinct and ropduplicates remove rows not columns

  2. A

    Very nice neet and complete information thank you so much

  3. Zeren

    Your method really helps!

  4. Anonymous

    The best site for learning pyspark

  5. Anonymous

    Very happy with contents thank you

  6. Ranadip

    well explained

  7. Dileep

    Love the way of explanation

  8. Anonymous

    Really great job!

  9. NNK

    Hi Kalai, Sure will add this. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Kalai

    This page is really nice to learn spark! really great job. appreciate your efforts.
    I have small suggestion, these is a one method in join something like below. if possible please add it in the page.

    df = df1.join(df2, [‘id’], ‘inner’).

    this will work if id column is there in both df1 and df2.

  11. Anonymous

    Surper content, really helped a lot !!!

  12. NNK

    Thanks for pointing it out. I have corrected it now.

  13. Anonymous

    Very good job!!

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