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How to count the occurrences of the element or item in a Python list? To count the occurrences of an element in a list in Python, you can use the list.count() method. This method returns the number of times the element appears in the list. And you can also use the Counter class from the collections module to count the occurrences of elements in a list. The Counter class is a dictionary subclass that is specifically designed for counting occurrences of elements.


In this article, I will explain the list.count(), Counter, and other ways to get the count of occurrences of a single value and all values in a list.

1. Quick Examples of Count Occurrence of Item in List

If you are in a hurry, below are some quick examples of how to count the occurrence of an element or item in a Python list.

# Quick examples of count occurrence list

# Example 1: Count occurrences using count()
count = list2.count(67)

# Example 2: Count occurrences using Counter
from collections import Counter
count = Counter(list2)[67]

# Example 3: Using operator
import operator
count = operator.countOf(list2,'AA')

# Example 4: Using list comprehension
count = len([i for i in list2 if i==12])

# Example 5: Get count occurrence of all values
from collections import Counter
count = Counter(list2)

# Example 6: Get all occurrences using pandas

2. Count of Item Occurrence in List using count()

The count() is an inbuilt function available in Python list that is used to get the count of occurrence of an item/element. This function takes a single item as an argument and returns the total occurrence of an item present in the list. If the item is not found, 0 is returned.

2.1 count() Syntax

Following is the syntax of the count()

# Syntax
  • list: The list in which you want to count occurrences.
  • element: The element whose occurrences you want to count.

2.2 Occurance Count Example

Let’s create a list with several integer values, some with duplicates, and use the count() function to find the count of a specific value.

# Create list of elements
print("Original list:\n", list2)

# Count occurrences using count()
print("67 occurrence: ",list2.count(67))
print("86 occurrence: ",list2.count(86))
print("99 occurrence: ",list2.count(99))

Yields below output.

python count occurrence list

From the output,

  1. 67 occurred 4 times
  2. 86 occurred 1 times
  3. 99 occurred 0 times

Similarly, you can also find the number of occurrences on the list with string values.

3. Count of Item Occurrence in List using Counter()

You can also get the count of occurrences of elements from the list by using the Counter() method from the Python collections module, In order to use the Counter first, we need to import the Counter from the collections module. The Counter class is a dictionary subclass that is specifically designed for counting occurrences of elements.

3.1 Counter() Syntax

Following is the syntax of the counter usage.

# Syntax of Counter
from collections import Counter

3.2 Counter Example

The Counter() takes the list as an argument and returns the occurrence count of every element in the list as a Counter class. To get a count for a specific element you need to specify the value using []. Here’s an example:

# Import Counter from collections
from collections import Counter

# Count occurrences using Counter
print("67 occurrence: ",Counter(list2)[67])
print("86 occurrence: ",Counter(list2)[86])
print("99 occurrence: ",Counter(list2)[99])

# Output:
# 67 occurrence:  4
# 86 occurrence:  1
# 99 occurrence:  0

4. Using countOf()

The countOf() is similar to the count() function which is available in the operator module. You need to import the operator module to use this.

4.1 countOf() Syntax

Following is the syntax of the countOf().

# Syntax of countOf()
import operator

4.2 countOf() Example

Here, let’s create a list with strings and use the countOf() to get the count of occurrence of the item.

# Import operator
import operator

# Create List with string

# Get Occurrences of item
print("AA occurrence: ",operator.countOf(list2,'AA'))
print("CC occurrence: ",operator.countOf(list2,'CC'))
print("DD occurrence: ",operator.countOf(list2,'DD'))

# Output
# AA occurrence:  3
# CC occurrence:  1
# DD occurrence:  0

5. Using List Comprehension

Like the above scenario, we will use for loop inside the List comprehension to iterate all elements and use if condition to check the condition. So by using the len() function, we will get the total occurrence of element.

5.1 List Comprehension Syntax

Following is the syntax.

# Here, element is the item, in which all occurrences is counted in list2.
# iterator is used to iterate the elements in our input list.
len([iterator for iterator in list2 if iterator == element])

5.2 Example

Let’s get the total occurrences of element 12.

# Consider list of elements
print("Elements: ",list2)

# Using List Comprehension
print("12 occurrence: ",len([i for i in list2 if i==12]))

# Output:
# Elements:  [12, 54, 67, 86, 89, 12, 54, 67, 67, 67, 67]
# 12 occurrence:  2

6. Using for loop

In this scenario, we will iterate each element using for loop and compare if the iterator is equal to an element or not inside the if condition. If the iterator is equal to our item/element, we will increment the counter(inc) to 1. The result the stored inside the inc variable.

Let’s get the total occurrences of element 67 using for loop.

# Consider list of elements
print("Elements: ",list2)

# Using for loop to count
# occurrence if 67
for i in list2:
    if (i == 67):
       inc = inc + 1
print("67 occurrence: ",inc)

# Output:
# Elements:  [12, 54, 67, 86, 89, 12, 54, 67, 67, 67, 67]
# 67 occurrence:  5

7. Using value_counts()

Till now, we discussed how to count the total occurrences of a particular item in the list. Now, we will see how to return the total occurrences of all elements from the list using value_counts() method from the pandas module.

Python pandas is a module that is used for Data analysis and visualization. Series is one of the Data structures supported by pandas. It is a one-dimensional data structure. We can apply the value_counts() method on this Series Data structure. To do so, first, you need to convert the list to a series.

7.1 value_counts() Syntax

Following is the syntax of the value_counts()

# Syntax
import pandas as p

7.2 Example

Let’s get the count of all element occurrences.

# Import pandas
import pandas as pd

# Consider list of elements
print("Elements: ",list2)

# Using value_counts() to return all element occurrences

# Output:
# Elements:  ['hello', 'hello', 'java']
# hello    2
# java     1
# dtype: int64

Frequently Asked Questions On Python Count Occurrence List

How can I count the occurrences of a specific element in a list?

To count the occurrences of a specific element in a list in Python, you can use the count method of the list. For example, my_list.count(1) will return the number of occurrences of the element 1 in the list my_list.

How do I count occurrences of all elements in a list?

You can use a dictionary comprehension with the count method or utilize collections.Counter.

Can I use numpy to count occurrences in a list?

You can use numpy to count occurrences in a list. For example, np.unique(my_list, return_counts=True) returns two arrays: unique_elements contains the unique elements in my_list, and counts contains the corresponding counts. The zip function is then used to combine these two arrays into a dictionary, where the unique elements are the keys, and the counts are the values.

Is there a way to use pandas for counting occurrences in a list?

You can use pandas to count occurrences. For example, pd.Series(my_list) converts the list into a pandas Series, and value_counts() is then applied to get the counts of unique elements. Finally, to_dict() is used to convert the result into a dictionary.

How can I count occurrences and calculate percentages?

You can calculate percentages by dividing the count of each element by the total count.


In this article, we have seen 6 different ways to count the total occurrences of a particular item in the Python list. If you want to know all the element occurrences, then use the value_counts() method available in the Pandas Series.

Happy Learning!!