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You are currently viewing Explain tryCatch() Function in R with Examples

In R, tryCatch() is used to catch and handle errors, warnings, and messages in a controlled way during code execution. It allows you to catch errors or warnings in a block of code and respond to them without stopping the execution of the entire script.


Error handling is essential to R programming, making sure that unexpected inputs or faulty operations don’t halt your code. Normally, R stops execution when it encounters an error, but tryCatch() enables you to handle these issues effectively. This is especially important for making your code more reliable, particularly in long-running processes like loops or data analysis tasks.

In this article, I will explain how to use the R tryCatch() function, its syntax, and parameters to handle errors, warnings, and messages in a controlled manner without stopping the execution.

Key Points-

  • The tryCatch() function takes an expression to evaluate and various handlers for error, warning, or finally blocks.
  • The error argument allows you to catch errors during execution and handle them without stopping the script.
  • Like errors, you can catch warnings using the warning argument in tryCatch() and manage them.
  • The finally block is executed regardless of whether an error or warning occurs, making it useful for cleanup operations.
  • You can nest tryCatch() calls to handle different levels of errors, giving more granular control over complex code blocks.
  • You can specify a return value in the error, warning, or finally blocks, which will be used in place of the result of the original expression.
  • tryCatch() can be effectively used in loops to continue execution even when errors occur in certain iterations.
  • Using tryCatch(), you can handle errors and warnings without displaying the error messages, allowing the program to run smoothly.
  • Differences between try() and tryCatch(): try() is simpler and only suppresses errors, while tryCatch() provides more control, allowing you to define specific responses for errors, warnings, and other conditions.

tryCatch() Function in R

The tryCatch() function in R is used to handle exceptions, allowing you to catch errors, warnings, and other conditions that may arise during the execution of code. It provides a way to define how your code should behave in case of errors or other conditions.

Syntax of the tryCatch() Function

Following is the syntax of the tryCatch() function.

# Syntax of the tryCatch()
         error = function(e) { ... }, 
         warning = function(w) { ... }, 
         finally = { ... },


  • expr: The expression to be evaluated.
  • error: A function to handle errors that occur during the evaluation of expr.
  • expr.warning: A function to handle warnings that occur during the evaluation of expr.
  • expr.finally: A block of code executed at the end, regardless of whether an error or warning occurred.
  • ...: Additional condition handlers (e.g., message, interrupt, etc.) that can be specified.

Return value

The function returns the value of expr if it is successfully evaluated. If an error or warning occurs, the return value will depend on the corresponding handler function specified. If no handler is specified for an error, NA is returned.

Handling Errors using R tryCatch()

You can use the tryCatch() to handle an error that occurs when trying to sum two character strings, which is invalid in R. This function captures the error, uses an error handler function to print a message with the error details, and returns NA instead of stopping the script.

# Error handling using tryCatch
result <- tryCatch({
  # Code produces error
}, error = function(e) {
  # Handle the error
  cat("An error occurred:", e$message, "\n")

Yields below output.

trycatch in r

Handling Warnings using R tryCatch()

You can also handle warnings in a similar way to errors using tryCatch(). In the following example, I will attempt to calculate the logarithm of negative values within the tryCatch() function. In R, attempting to compute negative logarithms triggers a warning, but we can catch this warning, and return a value (like NaN), and allow the program to continue running without interruption.

result <- tryCatch({
  # Code that produces a warning
}, warning = function(w) {
  # Handle the error
  cat("An warning occurred:", w$message, "\n")

Yields below output.

trycatch in r

R TyrCatch Finally

In R’s tryCatch(), the finally block runs after the main expression and any error or warning handling, regardless of whether the operation succeeds or fails. In the following example, I will calculate the square root of a positive number as the main expression, while also providing error and warning handling functions. Whether the expression succeeds or not, the finally block will always execute, printing a message along with the result.

# tryCatch with finally block
result <- tryCatch({
  # Expression
}, warning = function(w) {
  # Handle the warning
  cat("Warning caught:", w$message, "\n")
}, error = function(e) {
  cat("Error caught:", e$message, "\n")
}, finally = {
  cat("Finally block executed\n")

# Output:
# Finally block executed:
# [1] 1

Nested tryCatch() in R

Alternatively, you can use the tryCatch() function inside another to catch and handle errors at different levels, giving detailed error messages for inner and outer errors.

# Nested tryCatch() function
result <- tryCatch({
  # First try to catch the inner error
    inner_result <- sum("5" + "5")  # Invalid operation (string + string)
  }, error = function(e) {
    cat("Inner error caught:", e$message, "\n")
    stop("Outer error: Invalid operation due to bad data")  # Trigger outer error
}, error = function(e) {
  cat("Outer error caught:", e$message, "\n")
  return(NA)  # Return NA if any error occurs

# Output:
# Inner error caught: non-numeric argument to binary operator 
# Outer error caught: Outer error: Invalid operation due to bad data 
# [1] NA

Handling Errors in Loops

You can use tryCatch() in loops to handle errors gracefully and continue with the remaining iterations. When running a loop in R, an error might occur during a specific iteration, but instead of stopping the entire loop, tryCatch() allows you to manage the error and proceed with the next iteration without interruption.

# Handling Errors in Loops
results <- c()
for (i in 1:6) {
  result <- tryCatch({
    # Error trigger in third iteration
    if (i == 3) stop("Error at iteration 3!")
    i ** 2  # Normal operation for other iterations
  }, error = function(e) {
    cat("An error occured:", e$message, "\n")
    NA  # Return NA in case of an error
results <- c(results, result)

# Output:
# An error occured: Error at iteration 3! 
# [1]  1  4 NA 16 25 36

This approach allows you to handle errors effectively in loops without stopping the entire process, making your code more robust.

Custom Condition Handling

In R, custom condition handling allows you to define your own error, warning, or message conditions and handle them using tryCatch(). You can define your own errors using functions like simpleError(), and handle them within tryCatch() for more specific error management.

# Custom error handling
result <- tryCatch({
  # Custom error condition 
  number <- 10
  if (number > 5) {
    stop(simpleError("Custom Error: Number is too large!"))
  # Some operation
}, error = function(e) {
  if (inherits(e, "simpleError")) {
    cat("Custom Error handled:", e$message, "\n")
  } else {
    cat("Other error handled:", e$message, "\n")

# Output:
# Custom Error handled: Custom Error: Number is too large! 
# [1] NA

Try Vs TryCatch in R

try(): Useful for basic error handling when you simply want to continue execution after an error without performing any special actions. It doesn’t stop the script but captures the error.

tryCatch(): More advanced and flexible. It allows you to define specific actions for errors, warnings, or messages, making it ideal for complex error-handling scenarios where different behaviors are needed.

Example with try()

# Example of try()
result <- try(log("a"), silent = TRUE)

# Output:
# [1] "Error in log(\"a\") : non-numeric argument to mathematical function\n"
# attr(,"class")
# [1] "try-error"
# attr(,"condition")
# <simpleError in log("a"): non-numeric argument to mathematical function>

In this case, try() captures the error and returns it as a result, allowing the script to proceed.

Example with tryCatch()

# Example of tryCatch()
result <- tryCatch({
}, error = function(e) {
  cat("An error occurred:", e$message, "\n")
}, finally = {
  cat("Execution completed.\n")

# Output:
# An error occurred: non-numeric argument to mathematical function 
# Execution completed.
# [1] NA

With tryCatch(), you can handle the error by printing a custom message, returning a value (NA), and providing that some code always runs via the finally block.


In this article, I have explained the tryCatch() function, its syntax, parameters, and how to use it to catch and handle errors, warnings, and messages without interrupting an R script. I also covered the implementation of nested tryCatch() and using tryCatch() within loops. Additionally, I discussed the differences between try() and tryCatch() functions.
