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Get First Row of Pandas DataFrame?

pandas get first row

By using DataFrame.iloc[0] and head(1) you can select/get the first row of pandas DataFrame.iloc[] is a property that is used to select rows and columns by position/index. If the position/index does not exist, it gives an index error. In this article, I will cover usage of pandas.DataFrame.iloc[] and using this how we can get the first row of Pandas DataFrame in different ways with examples.

pandas loc[] is another property that is used to operate on the column and row labels. For a better understanding of these two learn the differences and similarities between pandas loc[] vs iloc[].

1. Quick Examples of Get First Row of Pandas DataFrame

If you are in a hurry, below are some quick examples of how to get the first row of DataFrame.

# Quick examples of get first row of pandas DataFrame
# Example 1: Get first Row of Pandas DataFrame

# Example 2: Get first row using range index

# Example 3: Get first row value 
# Using particular column

# Example 4:  Get first row value
# Using index range

# Example 5: Get first row using index

# Example 6:  Get first row
# Using values[]

# Example 7: Get first row of particular column

# Example 8: Get the first row use head()

# Example 9: Get the first row of DataFrame as a list

Let’s create DataFrame using data from the Python dictionary and run the above examples to get the first row of DataFrame.

# Import pandas library
# Create pandas DataFrame
import pandas as pd
technologies = {
    'Fee' :[20000,25000,26000,22000,24000],
df = pd.DataFrame(technologies, columns = ['Courses', 'Fee', 'Duration', 'Discount'], index = index_labels)
print("Create DataFrame:\n", df)

Yields below output.

pandas get first row

2. Get the First Row of Pandas using iloc[]

Using the Pandas iloc[] attribute we can get a single row or column by using an index, by specifying the index position 0 we can get the first row of DataFrame.iloc[0] will return the first row of DataFrame in the form of Pandas Series.

Related: You can use df.iloc[] to get the last row of DataFrame.

# Get first row using row position

Yields below output.

pandas get first row

We can also get the first row of Pandas DataFrame by providing an index range i.e.[:1] to iloc[] attribute. This syntax will select the rows from 0 to 1 and returned the first row in the form of DataFrame. For example,

# Get first row using range index

# Output:
#  Courses    Fee Duration  Discount
#  r1   Spark  20000   30days      1000

3. Get the First Row using loc()

We can also get the first row of DataFrame using the loc[] attribute for that, we have to pass the first row index with the help of the index[] attribute. It will return the first row in the form of Series object.

In the below example, uses df.index[0] to get the label of the first row in the index and then uses loc to select the corresponding row based on the label. The result, stored in the variable first_row, will be a Pandas Series containing the values of the first row.

# Get first row using loc() function
first_row = df.loc[df.index[0]]

# Output:
# Courses     Spark
# Fee         20000
# Duration    30days
# Discount     1000
# Name: r1, dtype: object

4. Get the First Row of Pandas using values() 

Pandas DataFrame.values attribute is used to return a Numpy representation of the given DataFrame. Use this attribute we can get the first row of DataFrame in the form of NumPy array. Let’s get the first row,

# Get first row using loc() function

# Output:
# [['Spark' 20000 '30day' 1000]]

# Get particular column

# Output:
# [20000]

5. Get the First Row of DataFrame using head()

The pandas.DataFrame.head() method returns the first n rows of dataframe. We can use this head() function to get only the first row of the dataframe, for that, we pass '1' as an argument to this function. It will return the first row of DataFrame.

# Get the first row use head()

# Output:
#    Courses    Fee Duration  Discount
# r1   Spark  20000    30day      1000

6. Get the First Row of Pandas as a List

As we know from the above, we have got the first row of the DataFrame using df.iloc[0]. It has given the result as a series object. Using the series.tolist() function, we can get the first row of DataFrame in the form of a list. For example,

# Get the first row of DataFrame as a list

# Output:
# ['Spark', 20000, '30day', 1000]

7. Get the First Row of a particular column

If we want to get the value of the first row based on a particular column, we can pass the specified column into DataFrame and then call iloc[] attribute. It will return value of first row based on specified column.

# Get first row value using particular column

# Output:
# 20000

Alternatively, we can get the value of the first row based on a particular column using the index range of the iloc[] attribute. It will return the first-row value in the form of a Series.

#  Get first row value using index range

# Output:
# r1    1000
# Name: Discount, dtype: int64

Frequently Asked Questions on Get First Row of Pandas DataFrame

How do I get the first row of a Pandas DataFrame?

To get the first row of a Pandas DataFrame, you can use either the iloc indexer or the head method.

Can I use head(1) to get the first row?

You can use the head(1) method to get the first row of a Pandas DataFrame. The head method is typically used to return the first N rows of a DataFrame, and when you specify 1 as the argument, it will return the first row as a DataFrame.

How do I extract a specific column from the first row?

To extract a specific column from the first row, you can combine iloc with column indexing. For example, to get the value in the “column_name” column of the first row.

What is the difference between iloc[0] and head(1)?

Both methods will give you the first row, but iloc[0] returns a Series, while head(1) returns a DataFrame with one row. Choose based on your preference and use case.

Can I use loc instead of iloc to get the first row?

You can use the loc indexer instead of iloc to get the first row of a Pandas DataFrame, especially if your DataFrame has a labeled index.

How can I get the first N rows of a DataFrame?

To get the first N rows of a Pandas DataFrame, you can use the head() method. Replace N with the number of rows you want to retrieve. For instance, if you want to get the first 5 rows.


In this article, I have explained the usage of DataFrame.iloc[] and using this how we can get the first row of DataFrame in different ways. As well as I explained how to get the first row of DataFrame using head() and other functions.

Happy Learning !!


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